oleksandrbalan / minabox

Lazy box library for Jetpack Compose, which allows to display lazy loaded items on the 2D plane.
Apache License 2.0
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Please expose viewport's size in a MinaBoxState #18

Closed snakemr closed 6 months ago

snakemr commented 6 months ago

Desktop Platform of Compose Multiplatform has buil-in VerticalScrollbar and HorizontalScrollbar with their ScrollbarAdapter. I adopted it for minabox: https://gist.github.com/snakemr/fe054fc4ac1b27c3f7738638ce5ef859 usage:

    val state = rememberLazyTableState()
    BoxWithConstraints {
        LazyTable(state = state) {
            rememberScrollbarAdapter(state, maxHeight, Orientation.Vertical),
            rememberScrollbarAdapter(state, maxWidth, Orientation.Horizontal),

Please, expose viewport's size in a MinaBoxState, so one do not have to set maxWidth/maxHeight manually.

oleksandrbalan commented 6 months ago

I have added viewport's size to the Translate class in this PR #21.

It is available in 1.7.1 release.

Also I have checked your snippet and this looked strange to me 🤔


I guess this causes de-sync when scrollbar is dragged quickly, but it is needed because without it everything get "stuck" when scrollbar is dragged during translation animation from fling. I have played around with it a little bit and looks like with NonCancelable context it works correctly and does not get "stuck" when dragged during fling animation.

coroutineScope {
    launch(NonCancellable) {
        if (orientation == Orientation.Vertical)
            boxState.snapTo(translate.x, scrollOffset.toFloat())
            boxState.snapTo(scrollOffset.toFloat(), translate.y)

Just my two cents 😸