oleksii-demedetskyi / Parus

Parus is simple chain style auto-layout helper for objective-c.
MIT License
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Lib should allow user to create single constraint and save it via user defined variable or path. #5

Closed oleksii-demedetskyi closed 11 years ago

oleksii-demedetskyi commented 11 years ago

We should have ability to save single constraint into variable or property.

self.property = ;

localVariable = ;

Both this cases should be supported.

oleksii-demedetskyi commented 11 years ago

So we need discuss syntax of one constraint.

In simple case layout of views is looking as this

[view addConstraint:constraint];
[view addConstraint:constraint];
[view addConstraint:constraint];
[view addConstraint:constraint];

we can handle layout chains via custom block, but we need also support single constraint adding.


This code will produce filled PVConstraintContext that need to be saved. Also we need access to start methods.

Also, this constraint can be described as VFL


VFL are much more simpler and readable even our solution.

Our goal is in shorthand record both types of constraints.


In this case all constraints, even VFL, are listed in one expression.w

Or in current case:

[view setupLayout:^(LMMaster* $) {
oleksii-demedetskyi commented 11 years ago

@xNekOIx @AndreyMoskvin What do you think?

oleksii-demedetskyi commented 11 years ago
oleksii-demedetskyi commented 11 years ago

NSLayoutConstraint *constraint = ... How to define single constraint?

oleksii-demedetskyi commented 11 years ago

NSLayoutConstraint *constraint = constraintWhere(leftOf().equal.centerXOf().plus());

oleksii-demedetskyi commented 11 years ago

Another option for single constraint is

NSLayoutConstraint *consraint = rv_equation().where.leftOf(view1).equal.centerXOf(self).plus(10).asConstraint;
xNekOIx commented 11 years ago

@DAlOG @AndreyMoskvin Should it be like this: NSLayoutConstraint *consraint = PV.leftOf(view1).equal.centerXOf(self).plus(10).asConstraint; or it still could be better to use this syntax: NSLayoutConstraint *consraint = PVLeftOf(view1).equal.centerXOf(self).plus(10).asConstraint; what do you think? I like second one.

oleksii-demedetskyi commented 11 years ago
