oleksis / youtube-dl-gui

A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.
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does not download the selected Format anymore (480p) #82

Open jimsy3 opened 2 years ago

jimsy3 commented 2 years ago

Before going further

What is the purpose of your issue?

Please remove any sections between (---) if they are not related to your issue

Bug report

If the problem occurs when downloading a URL please provide the full verbose output as follows:

  1. Copy the whole log content and insert it between the ``` part below
2022-02-17 12:27:11,915-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] System config: []
2022-02-17 12:27:11,915-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] User config: []
2022-02-17 12:27:11,915-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] Custom config: []
2022-02-17 12:27:11,915-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] Command-line args: ['--newline', '-i', '-o', 'X:\\xxx\\%(title)s.%(ext)s', '-v', '--ignore-config', '--hls-prefer-native', '--no-check-certificate', 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=randomvideo']
2022-02-17 12:27:11,915-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs mbcs, out cp1252, pref cp1252
2022-02-17 12:27:11,915-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] youtube-dl version 2021.12.17
2022-02-17 12:27:11,915-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] Python version 3.4.4 (CPython) - Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1
2022-02-17 12:27:11,915-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] exe versions: none
2022-02-17 12:27:11,915-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] Proxy map: {}
2022-02-17 12:27:11,915-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] Default format spec: best/bestvideo+bestaudio

What operating system do you use ?

win7 and win10, both 64bits

List of actions to perform to reproduce the problem:

  1. tick only the 480p dash video option in the Formats options (because there is no regular 480p option)
  2. copy-paste yt url
  3. press dl
  4. wait until 100%

What is the expected behaviour ?

it should download a 480p video

What happens instead ?

downloads either 360p or 720p video

i selected the 480p video option, but it just downloads a random format instead... it did work correctly like 2-3 months ago...

oleksis commented 2 years ago

Can provide the URL you try download with youtube-dl ?

Make sure the format is available with -F or --list-formats

jimsy3 commented 2 years ago

you can try any yt video you like, because i dont select any particular videos, i just download some of them that i might need later etc.. so there is no particular order to choose them etc... (i have even tested with the command line that the 480p option is there) here is 1 random video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4ZBm9fSQPY

and why is the speed only 50-80KBs all the time? even with that 'backend' command line version

jimsy3 commented 2 years ago

well, now i probably found the issue then - the options list probably only adds the option to that main page drop down list and i would have to select the format from that list if i need a specific format? i thought that i can select it from that option list and it will work every time i use the app.... and the 1st time i selected my preferred format in those deep options, it actually started to download my new format, so i thought that it will work automatically all the time.... - it's still downloading some video now, so i can try that dropdown list later... but there is still that other issue with this that also worked fine some time ago, but then stopped working - the speed of the download is only 45-75kB/sec, while before all of these issues it was also downloading with max speed imo... because otherwise i would have remembered if all of the videos were downloaded so slowly...

so the issue still remaining is: the download speed is VERY slow....

oleksis commented 2 years ago

You can try use yt-dlp CLI Backend and share the logs for see the others options you using?

jimsy3 commented 2 years ago

well, it actually downloaded the 480p dash video now that i selected from the Formats options, but it does not have any audio, lol... and the regular mp4 options above the Dash options only has 360p or 720p, but not 480p....

i only use that 'ignore ssl' (or smth, otherwise it only gives error) and couple of those format options and nothing else

oleksis commented 2 years ago

In each test you can share the log with the options used? For example if you use a specific format selection and select '--hls-prefer-native' the final selection should vary. It would be very helpful to share the logs to discard the behavior of the CLI Backend depending on the URL that is passed.

jimsy3 commented 2 years ago

dunno what is -dlp or -hls

oleksis commented 2 years ago

You can check the docs of youtube-dl about Download options, that options is check in the Extra tab options in yt-dlg

jimsy3 commented 2 years ago

logs seem to be all the same, just the 720p video has audio and the video* number is 22:

2022-05-05 19:30:15,647-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] System config: [] 2022-05-05 19:30:15,648-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] User config: [] 2022-05-05 19:30:15,648-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] Custom config: [] 2022-05-05 19:30:15,648-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] Command-line args: ['--newline', '-i', '-o', 'x:\xx\%(title)s.%(ext)s', '-f', '135', '-v', '--ignore-config', '--hls-prefer-native', '--no-check-certificate', '--hls-prefer-native', 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx'] 2022-05-05 19:30:15,648-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs mbcs, out cp1252, pref cp1252 2022-05-05 19:30:15,648-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] youtube-dl version 2021.12.17 2022-05-05 19:30:15,648-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] Python version 3.4.4 (CPython) - Windows-10-10.0.19041 2022-05-05 19:30:15,648-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] exe versions: none 2022-05-05 19:30:15,648-DEBUG-Worker_1-[debug] Proxy map: {}

jimsy3 commented 2 years ago

how can i download a 480p video with sound then? it worked 100% before, so how can i fix it now

oleksis commented 2 years ago

If you check your log see you select only video format '-f', '135'. In the pictures below you can check the steps for download the format 480p (video+audio) -f "397+140/bestvideo+bestaudio"

yt-dlp.exe --newline -i -o " ~\Videos\%(title)s.%(ext)s" -v --ignore-config -f 397+140/bestvideo+bestaudio "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4ZBm9fSQPY"


Media Info with VLC


jimsy3 commented 2 years ago

where do i get the dlp.exe or i just use the defualt one in windows then? and the speed is still 65kbsec max... plus it does not mux video and audio together

oleksis commented 2 years ago

where do i get the dlp.exe or i just use the defualt one in windows then?

  1. Go Settings -> Options -> Extra

    • Select yt-dlp.exe in CLI Backend, then Close
  2. Go Settings -> Update

    • Wait until in the status bar show Successfully downloaded CLI Backend.
  3. Using the Explorer or the CMD go to %APPDATA%\yt-dlg there you see the yt-dlp.exe

and the speed is still 65kbsec max... plus it does not mux video and audio together

For mux video and audio together you need ffmpeg

jimsy3 commented 2 years ago

now it just downloaded the dlp.exe into that folder, but do i have to launch it separately from dlg.exe then, because if i want to download something now, it just says "finished" and nothing gets dl-ed

oleksis commented 2 years ago

yt-dlg is just the GUI for youtube-dl or yt-dlp . You can use the CLI yt-dlp for check the Format List (-F) of each video before download with yt-dlg

jimsy3 commented 2 years ago

well, i was able to dl it both in 480p format and with audio before by only ticking the 480p option in those deep settings, so what has changed since then and why can't it work anymore