Open neilmcgibbon opened 7 years ago
Stumbled upon this issue as well. Apparently during the merge request the APIs were renamed. I have sent a pull request to fix this. You can use it this way:
data := [][]string{
[]string{"1/1/2014", "Domain name", "2233", "$10.98"},
[]string{"1/1/2014", "January Hosting", "2233", "$54.95"},
[]string{"1/4/2014", "February Hosting", "2233", "$51.00"},
[]string{"1/4/2014", "February Extra Bandwidth", "2233", "$30.00"},
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
table.SetHeader([]string{"Date", "Description", "CV2", "Amount"})
table.SetFooter([]string{"", "", "Total", "$146.93"}) // Add Footer
table.SetBorder(false) // Set Border to false
table.SetHeaderColor(tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.BgGreenColor},
tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.FgHiRedColor, tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.BgBlackColor},
tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.BgRedColor, tablewriter.FgWhiteColor},
tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.BgCyanColor, tablewriter.FgWhiteColor})
table.SetColumnColor(tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgHiBlackColor},
tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgHiRedColor},
tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgHiBlackColor},
tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgBlackColor})
table.SetFooterColor(tablewriter.Colors{}, tablewriter.Colors{},
The README has an example for table colour formatting, where it includes the following snippet as a code example:
However when using the code my IDE warns me that
does not exist, and indeed I can't see it in the source code. Is this an upcoming feature that is not yet available?