olena-olena / homepage

My very own personal website. Basically this is just a résumé.
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Скласти таймлайн #8

Closed olena-olena closed 4 years ago

olena-olena commented 4 years ago

Скласти список всіх (важливих) життєвих подій, визначних дат, досягнень, періодів, що дали приємний і неприємний досвід, тощо. В цьому конкретному випадку довгих списків не буває, натомість бувають погано згорнуті, тому пакуємо сюди все підряд, а про "лишні" події можна буде промовчати пізніше. Список повинен бути систематизованим і посортованим в такий спосіб, щоб читач швидко зрозумів "паттерн" і міг легко орієнтуватись в просторі і часі цього резюме.

olena-olena commented 4 years ago


2020 Started course 'Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp' at Udemy

2019 Completed a bunch of courses at Codecademy: Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript,SQL, etc. Sterted learning comouter science with the famous CS50 at Harvard (via edX) Started working at Maibutni/iWonder as teacher in architecture & urban studies Attended 'School for teachers' at Maibutni/iWonder — lifechanging experience :sparkles: Left the job at maass stoudio (and for now architecture in general)

2017 Attended 3-days program 'Project management for creative teams. Agile' at KMBS

2016 Studied at in.Lab School — 'Algorithmic architecture and design' course — that is the moment when programing came in Started working as an architect at architectural studio maass

2015 Worked as client service architect at Barcelona housing

2014 Changed position to project administrator (still at Solid construction company)

2013 Started working as an architect at Solid construction company Got the Master degree in Architecture at KNUCA (Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture)

2012 Got the Bachelor degree in Architecture at KNUCA

2006 Finished school studies at physics and mathematics department of Khmelnytskyi Luceum N17