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Draggable widgets 'jumping' while in scroll panels #54

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I have a group of labels that are draggable and droppable, they are displayed 
inside a table which is in a scrollable parent. They act as re-orderable column 
headers and are locked to horizontal movement only.

I can drag the labels around the table with no issues as long as the parent has 
not scrolling in any way, it will even behave correctly and scroll the table if 
i get to the end. But if the parent is scrolling then that offset seems to be 
being applied to the dragging operation making the draggable labels jump 
further (mainly off screen) than they should.

I have also experienced this with other draggable widgets where the scroll 
panel is closer or further in the hierarchy to the draggable widget. It would 
be possible in the application that multiple scroll panels could surround a 
draggable which may not be known to the draggable or its direct parent

Original issue reported on code.google.com by smcgo...@flexiant.com on 12 Mar 2014 at 5:35

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Sorry sent without adding, using gwt-query v. 1.4, draggable 1.0.4 and gwt 
2.5.1, and it has been happening in multiple browsers on various O.S. with no 
differences to he broken behaviour

An ideal solution would be to have the draggable get the position correctly but 
if there is a way to manually change the position of the draggable in the 
events without skewing the behaviour then that could be a possible work around

Original comment by smcgo...@flexiant.com on 13 Mar 2014 at 8:35