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Block identifier literal expressions #11

Open h2non opened 10 years ago

h2non commented 10 years ago

A list of possible valid expression for block identifier literal expressions


block: value

Whitespaces and special characters should be allowed

anoth0er .= ^ $block! : value

Quoted string

'another block': value

Wrapped with braces

{ another block! }: value

Braces + String

{ 'block' }: value

Compilation output ignored blocks A block statement which starts with !& will be ignored in the compilation output. This is could be useful to use reference values only

!&block: value

Another possible valid expressions would be (needs discussion):

block :: value


block = value
h2non commented 10 years ago

Approved valid expression to be included in the specification will be:

Assign with : operator

block: value

Hidden values with = operator

block = value