olicooper / esphome-nspanel-lovelace-native

Custom ESPHome component for NSPanel utilising the TFT firmware of the project 'joBr99/nspanel-lovelace-ui'
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[Feature] Screensaver Entities and Locales #22

Open r0bb10 opened 2 months ago

r0bb10 commented 2 months ago


I've finally managed to test your esphome port for the nspanel, i wouls say it's pretty damn cool and works great so far (not tested extensively but i'm going to).

I've noticed some differences for now with the original tasmota/appdaemon version that maybe could be implemented:

  id: nspanel
  sleep_timeout: 10
    temperature_unit: celcius
    # day_of_week_map:
    #   sunday: ['Sun', 'Sunday']
    #   monday: ['Mon', 'Monday']
    #   tuesday: ['Tue', 'Tuesday']
    #   wednesday: ['Wed', 'Wednesday']
    #   thursday: ['Thu', 'Thursday']
    #   friday: ['Fri', 'Friday']
    #   saturday: ['Sat', 'Saturday']
    time_id: homeassistant_time
    ## For formatting options see: https://cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime/
    # time_format: '%H:%M'
    # date_format: '%A, %d. %B %Y'
      # entity_id: weather.openweathermap
      ## NOTE: use this version (after following the instructions on the README) with Home Assistant v4.4.0+
      entity_id: sensor.weather_forecast_daily
    - type: cardThermo
      sleep_timeout: 5
      title: Fancoil Living
      thermo_entity_id: climate.fancoil_living_hvac
        - entity: weather.openweathermap
          color: [255,255,255]
        - entity: sensor.weather_forecast_hourly
          type: 0
          name: ""
          color: [255,255,255]
        - entity: sensor.weather_forecast_hourly
          type: 1
          name: ""
          color: [255,255,255]
        - entity: sensor.weather_forecast_hourly
          type: 2
          name: ""
          color: [255,255,255]
        - entity: sensor.weather_forecast_hourly
          type: 3
          name: ""
          color: [255,255,255]
        - entity: sensor.temperatura_living
          icon: mdi:home-thermometer-outline
          color: [255,255,255]
  1. In the screensaver section it can only be specified 1 entity for weather but as per docs here those can be specified and to enable the alternative layout the sixth entities needs to be specified.. can this option be added?

  2. Can locale be enabled for the traslation or does it require much work? The appdaemon version can use locale: "it_IT" but in esphome i only found the temp scale that can be customized.

  3. I've waited until recently to test because of the missing cardthermo but now that it's in confident to fully switch.. testing i just noticed that the buttons (off, cool, heat) area not centered in the card but are alligned to the left.. the rest seems working perfectly.

Thanks again for this!

olicooper commented 2 months ago
  1. Yeah I have not added support for this yet. It needs refactoring because this was the first thing I added when I started the project and a lot has changed since so I can't give you a timeline on support for this yet.
  2. I plan to support locales and I have started accounting for locales in the project but all the translations need to be stored on the device so I have to be careful with my approach. I am currently thinking about using the esphome python build script to dynamically generate a C++ translation array which includes only the selected language, but I'm not sure what that looks like yet.
  3. I didn't add this because or time constraints when originally implementing the thermo card. I can probably revisit this soon.
olicooper commented 2 months ago

@r0bb10 I've started working on translations (see the translations branch).

It would be great to know if it works for you? It probably needs a more work before merging it to dev. I imagine that there are a few missing translations - if you spot any missing ones just let me know.. I only have English and German configured so far, but you can create your own custom translation if you copy en.json, and update your config to point to the new language file (the path is relative to your esphome config file) e.g.

    language: custom.json

Once you've added your new language you can submit a PR on the translations branch or I can add for you if you send it me. A lot of the translations can be found here: https://github.com/joBr99/nspanel-lovelace-ui/tree/main/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/translations

Chreece commented 1 week ago

I would like to send the greek translation file: _EDIT: also added the days of week and months since there is no more necessary to put them seperately to the .yaml file (days_ofweek). I left the values for days in short format also

  "none": "Κανένα",
  "unknown": "Άγνωστο",
  "preset_mode": "Προκαθορισμένη λειτουργία",
  "swing_mode": "Λειτουργία ταλάντωσης",
  "fan_mode": "Λειτουργία ανεμιστήρα",
  "activity": "Δραστηριότητα",
  "away": "Απουσία",
  "boost": "Ενίσχυση",
  "comfort": "Άνεση",
  "eco": "Οικονομία",
  "home": "Σπίτι",
  "sleep": "Ύπνος",
  "cool": "Δροσιά",
  "cooling": "Ψύξη",
  "dry": "Ξηρό",
  "drying": "Αφύγρανση",
  "fan": "Ανεμιστήρας",
  "heat": "Θερμότητα",
  "heating": "Θέρμανση",
  "heat_cool": "Θέρμανση/Ψύξη",
  "idle": "Αδράνεια",
  "auto": "Αυτόματο",
  "fan_only": "Μόνο ανεμιστήρας",
  "on": "Ενεργοποιημένο",
  "off": "Απενεργοποιημένο",
  "currently": "Τρέχον",
  "state": "Κατάσταση",
  "action": "Ενέργεια",
  "lock": "Κλείδωμα",
  "unlock": "Ξεκλείδωμα",
  "paused": "Παύση",
  "active": "Ενεργό",
  "activate": "Ενεργοποίηση",
  "press": "Πάτημα",
  "run": "Εκτέλεση",
  "speed": "Ταχύτητα",
  "brightness": "Φωτεινότητα",
  "color": "Χρώμα",
  "color_temp": "Θερμοκρασία χρώματος",
  "above_horizon": "Πάνω από τον ορίζοντα",
  "below_horizon": "Κάτω από τον ορίζοντα",
  "position": "Θέση",
  "tilt_position": "Κλίση",
  "start": "Έναρξη",
  "pause": "Παύση",
  "cancel": "Ακύρωση",
  "finish": "Ολοκλήρωση",
  "arm_home": "Οπλισμός σπίτι",
  "arm_away": "Οπλισμός απουσία",
  "arm_night": "Οπλισμός νύχτα",
  "arm_vacation": "Οπλισμός διακοπές",
  "arm_custom_bypass": "Οπλισμός παράκαμψη",
  "disarm": "Αφοπλισμός",
  "disarmed": "Αφοπλισμένο",
  "arming": "Οπλισμός",
  "pending": "Εκκρεμεί",
  "triggered": "Ενεργοποιήθηκε",
  "armed_away": "Οπλισμένο (Απουσία)",
  "armed_home": "Οπλισμένο (Σπίτι)",
  "armed_night": "Οπλισμένο (Νύχτα)",
  "armed_vacation": "Οπλισμένο (Διακοπές)",
  "armed_custom_bypass": "Οπλισμένο (Παράκαμψη)",
  "not_home": "Απουσία",
  "start_cleaning": "Έναρξη καθαρισμού",
  "return_to_base": "Επιστροφή στη βάση",
  "docked": "Στη Βάση",
  "turn_on": "Ενεργοποίηση",
  "turn_off": "Απενεργοποίηση",
  "sunday": "['Κυρ', 'Κυριακή']",
  "monday": "['Δευ', 'Δευτέρα']",
  "tuesday": "['Τρι', 'Τρίτη']",
  "wednesday": "['Τετ', 'Τετάρτη']",
  "thursday": "['Πεμ', 'Πέμπτη']",
  "friday": "['Παρ', 'Παρασκευή']",
  "saturday": "['Σαβ', 'Σάββατο']",
  "january": "Ιανουάριος",
  "february": "Φεβρουάριος",
  "march": "Μάρτιος",
  "april": "Απρίλιος",
  "may": "Μάιος",
  "june": "Ιούνιος",
  "july": "Ιούλιος",
  "august": "Αύγουστος",
  "september": "Σεπτέμβριος",
  "october": "Οκτώβριος",
  "november": "Νοέμβριος",
  "december": "Δεκέμβριος"
olicooper commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the translations, I have added them now :)

also added the days of week and months since there is no more necessary to put them seperately to the .yaml file (days_of_week). I left the values for days in short format also

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that as there are code changes to be made to handle these translations. I have added the month translations because they were easier to implement but I will have to review the week day translations separately.

olicooper commented 1 week ago

I decided to move the day_of_week_map to the translations to get it sorted. I did it quickly so testing is minimal. Let me know if it works for you 👍

Chreece commented 1 week ago

That was a lot of work for you buddy, thank you very much. I can confirm, it works like a charm :)