olikraus / U8g2_for_Adafruit_GFX

Add U8g2 fonts to any Adafruit GFX based graphics library.
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HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA NOT SUPPORTED ? #42

Open bangguong84 opened 1 year ago

bangguong84 commented 1 year ago

CAN HELP ME TO WORK WITH THE LIBRARY https://github.com/mrfaptastic/ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA

olikraus commented 1 year ago

Just use it...

bangguong84 commented 1 year ago

Just use it...

can you help me 1 example writing word "hello" using https://github.com/olikraus/U8g2_for_Adafruit_GFX via https://github.com/mrfaptastic/ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA Is that Okay? because i did it but it didn't work.

olikraus commented 1 year ago

In the example, replace the constructor with the constructor for your matrix panel: https://github.com/olikraus/U8g2_for_Adafruit_GFX/blob/82d2b3eea866e7d40266672b41e5c8306ee97403/examples/Hello_Adafruit_SSD1306/Hello_Adafruit_SSD1306.ino#L18

bangguong84 commented 1 year ago

In the example, replace the constructor with the constructor for your matrix panel:


Thank you for the quick response, I did it! I have to install HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA version 2.0.1 to run.