Closed talakasse closed 1 year ago
Which constructor did you use? You should use the page buffer mode!
i use : U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C display1(U8G2_R0, 5,4,U8X8_PIN_NONE); U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C display2(U8G2_R0, 5,4,U8X8_PIN_NONE);
what is buffer mode ?
what is [page] buffer mode ?
The solution to your problem:
In Arduino IDE you will also find a lot of example for the page buffer mode.
For more details, see here:
ok thanks ! :)
Hello again, I have a new posting problem... The problem is that I try to display a curve with a sensor (KY-039), with X and Y positions. Problem, in the display curve, there is just a small pixel that walks around and not the desired curve. But when I try on Adafruit, the curve works perfectly ! But the constraint forces me to take U8g2 because it is better. Do you have an idea ?
U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_1_HW_I2C display1(U8G2_R0, 5,4,U8X8_PIN_NONE); virtuabotixRTC myRTC(5,6,7);
unsigned long CTIME = 0, LTIME = 0; int bouton_buz = 8; int j ; float moyenne = 0 ; float tab [50] ; float maximum; float nbbpm ; long Time0; long Time; int cycle=1; int x1=0; int y1=40; int x2=0; int y2=40; float lastnbbpm; int seq; int echelle; int valpot; const int pot = A2 ; int bpm; const int capteurcardiaque = A0 ; const int ledv = 10; const int ledr = 9; const int ledj = 11; int tps=0; const int buzzer=12; int tpssec; int position[100]; int u = 0; int OLD_POS = 0; unsigned short int curve[MAXx - MINx] = {0}; int x = 0 ; // Variable de langue bool langue = 0;
void setup (){ display1.setI2CAddress(0x78); display1.begin(); display1.enableUTF8Print(); display1.setFont(u8g2_font_6x10_tr); display1.clearDisplay(); }
void loop (){ if(x1>127){
} moyenne=0; for(j=0;j<50;j++){//on rempli le tableau de 50 valeurs lues par le capteur cardiaque tab[j] = analogRead(capteurcardiaque) ; moyenne = moyenne + tab[j] ; delay(1); } moyenne = (float)(moyenne / 50) ;//On calcul la moyenne de ces 50 valeurs //on cherche le seuil for (j=0;j<50;j++){ tab[j]=(tab[j]-moyenne);//On soustrait à ces valeurs la moyenne } maximum = 0; for(j=0;j<50;j++){//Dans cette boucle on determine le maximum du tableau if (tab[j]> maximum){ maximum = tab[j]; } } for(j=0;j<50;j++){//On divise le valeurs par le maximum si elle est superieur a 0 pour avoir des valeurs entre 1 et 0 if ((tab[j]/maximum)>=0){ tab[j] =(float)tab[j]/(float)maximum; } else{//Si le resultat de la division est négatif on donne à la valeur 0 tab[j]=0.00; } } for(j=0;j<50;j++){//ON compte combien de valeurs sont au dessus du seuil pour determiner le BPM if(tab[j]>0.95){ nbbpm=nbbpm+1; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// valpot=analogRead(pot); //on relie le potentiometre et la valeur du BPM echelle=map(valpot,0,1023,5,20);//on convertit les valeurs de 0 a 1023 en valeurs de 5 a 20 pour l'echelle
Time0 = ((float) millis()/(float) 1000); Time=5cycle; if((Time0/(Time))>=1){ nbbpm=(nbbpm12)/25; lastnbbpm=nbbpm; cycle++; seq= 128/((nbbpm/60)); Serial.println(nbbpm); }
display1.firstPage(); do {
//int value = 0, max = 0, min = 0; if(x1%seq==0) {//Si le reste de la division de x1 par seq est egale à 0, y2=40-(nbbpm/6); y1=40; display1.drawLine(x1, y1,x2,y2);//On dessine une ligne entre le point (x1,y1) et (x2,y2) x1=x2;//x1 prend la valeur de x2 x2++;//x2 egal x2+1
if (x1%seq==1) {//Si le reste de la division de x1 par seq est egale à 1, y1=40-(nbbpm/6); y2=50; display1.drawLine(x1, y1,x2,y2);//On dessine une ligne entre le point (x1,y1) et (x2,y2) x1=x2;//x1 prend la valeur de x2 x2++;//x2 egal x2+1
if (x1%seq==2) {//Si le reste de la division de x1 par seq est egale à 2, y1= 50; y2=40; display1.drawLine(x1, y1,x2, y2);//On dessine une ligne entre le point (x1,y1) et (x2,y2) x1=x2;//x1 prend la valeur de x2 x2++;//x2 egal x2+1
if((x1%seq!=0) && (x1%seq!=1) && (x1%seq!=2)) {//On entre dans ce block si les conditions avant ne sont pas vérifiées y1=40; y2=40; display1.drawLine(x1, y1,x2, y2);//On dessine une ligne entre le point (x1,y1) et (x2,y2) y1=y2; x1=x2;//x1 prend la valeur de x2 x2++;//x2 egal x2+1 }
//COURBE MAUVAISE //COURBE(&value, &max, &min); /Serial.println(value); value = map(value, min, max, MAXy, MINy); if(x > /MAXx - MINx20){x = 0;Serial.println("RST : " + String(x));}; /curve[x] = value; Serial.println("INC : " + String(x)); Serial.println("VXX : " + String(x + MINx)); Serial.println("VAL : " + String(curve[x])); / //display1.firstPage();
display1.setCursor(0, 7);
display1.setCursor(35, 7);
display1.setCursor(76, 7);
// Ligne Horizontale et fleche
display1.drawLine(0, 55 - 5, 128, 55 - 5);
display1.drawLine(128 - 4, 55 - 5 - 3, 128 - 1, 55 - 5);
display1.drawLine(128 - 4, 55 - 5 + 3, 128 - 1, 55 - 5);
// ligne verticale et fleche
display1.drawLine(0 + 5, 55, 0 + 5, 10);
display1.drawLine(0 + 5, 10, 0 + 5 - 3, 10 + 4);
display1.drawLine(0 + 5, 10, 0 + 5 + 3, 10 + 4);
/display1.drawPixel(128 - 1, 31); display1.drawPixel(x, lastnbbpm); display1.drawRFrame(0,9,128,64-9,004); display1.drawRFrame(0,9,128,55,004);/
} while(display1.nextPage()); x1++;
I try several ways and I really can't
My suggestion is:
Unfortunately your code is unreadable, still I do not see how you draw the content of "tab".
ok I see where the problem is, thanks again for your help
Hello everyone,
I recently started to use u8g2 to make two SSD1306 work on an single ATMEGA328P. My code is pretty heavy but u8g2lib is filling my dynamic memory to 96%. I only have 80 bytes left for my others vars.
Here's the message : The sketch uses 11658 bytes (37%) of program storage space. The maximum is 30720 bytes. Global variables use 1936 bytes (94%) of dynamic memory, leaving 112 bytes for local variables. The maximum is 2048 bytes. Low available memory, stability issues may occur.
I tried to use all the commands in the documentation but the minimum i reached is 94%, i also tried to delete some useless commands and fonts in the lib files but it didn't work.
If anybody have an idea it would be helpful.