olikraus / u8g2

U8glib library for monochrome displays, version 2
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Adding library to PlatformIo / Arduino project fails to compile (missing SPI.h file) #2136

Open shan-mcarthur opened 1 year ago

shan-mcarthur commented 1 year ago

Using Visual Studio Code, and the PlatformIO extension: After following the installation instructions of adding the olikraus/U8g2@^2.34.15 lib to the project, then calling "pio run -t clean" then "pio run" to compile the project results in a compilation error: .pio/libdeps/heltec_wifi_kit_32_V3/U8g2/src/U8x8lib.cpp:45:10: fatal error: SPI.h: No such file or directory

The project compiled fine before I added the library. I haven't even added any code to use the library yet - just added the dependent library. This is a Heltec wifi kit 32 v3 board with the SSD1306 OLED display.

My platformio.ini file contains: [env:heltec_wifi_kit_32_V3] platform = espressif32 board = heltec_wifi_kit_32_V3 framework = arduino lib_deps = olikraus/U8g2@^2.34.15

olikraus commented 1 year ago

Please contact the PlatformIO people. This project only supports ArduinoIDE

shan-mcarthur commented 1 year ago

I found the solution. I can either put an include to SPI.H in my main.cpp, or I can add SPI as an additional dependency. It seems like I only need to do this once to get the compiler to pick up the right Arduino framework dependencies. I have noticed this with a few different libraries and does not seem to be related to your product. Closing the issue.

olikraus commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback