olikraus / u8g2

U8glib library for monochrome displays, version 2
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SSD1306 Display is not working with Bluepill Board STM32F103 #2522

Open Jaishankar872 opened 2 weeks ago

Jaishankar872 commented 2 weeks ago

Hardware Details

MCU - Bluepill STM32F103CB OLED SSD1306 128x32 I2C display PA3 - SDA PA4 - SCL image

Code (in PlatformIO)

First I used the softwire library's scanner code to validate the I2C connection of PA3(SDA) & PA4 (SCL). Got the Slave address as 0x3C With the below code Display is not working(showing nothing)

#include <U8g2lib.h>
U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_SW_I2C display(U8G2_R0, PA4, PA3, U8X8_PIN_NONE);
void setup()
void loop()
  display.drawStr(0, 10, "Hello STM32!");

Digital Logic analyzer waveform output


Problem Statement

After seeing the code and Logic analyzer waveform, there are some issue configuration in the code while use U8g2lib library. Please help here solve this issue

Thanks in Advance!!!

olikraus commented 2 weeks ago

Difficult. So far i personally have only used Arduino IDE. Moreover I how only "official" boards. So I can't help much here. In fact I have no idea regarding this issue...

Jaishankar872 commented 1 week ago

@olikraus When I tried the ACROBOTIC_SSD1306 library display working fine. Only issue is rising while using this U8g2 library.

Refer to the post for more details & code Used. https://community.platformio.org/t/ssd1306-display-is-not-working-on-bluepill-board-stm32f103/43752/6?u=jaishankar

Special thanks to @maxgerhardt

maxgerhardt commented 1 week ago

This seems to be an issue with the software-i2c implementation on STM32 in this library. It should also reproduce on a regular Bluepill board, or any official STM32 board. These glitches on the SCL and SDA lines to GND do not look good.