olikraus / u8glib

Arduino Monochrom Graphics Library for LCDs and OLEDs
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SH1106 or SSD1306 on SW SPI with Atmel Studio 7 working slowly #494

Open elektronek opened 5 years ago

elektronek commented 5 years ago

Hello, im use Atmel Studio 7 and u8g library 1.18.1 (or older version - the same effect) with atmega32 and 16MHz xtal, Oled displays SH1106 or SSD1306 - the same function

include "u8g.h"

u8g_t u8g;

initialize: u8g_InitSPI(&u8g, &u8g_dev_sh1106_128x64_sw_spi, PN(1, 3), PN(1, 4), PN(1, 7), PN(1, 6), PN(1, 5));

void draw1(void) { u8g_SetFont(&u8g, u8g_font_6x10); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 10, "Hello World! 1"); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 20, "Hello World! 2"); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 30, "Hello World! 3"); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 40, "Hello World! 4"); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 50, "Hello World! 5"); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 60, "Hello World! 6"); }

void draw2(void) { u8g_SetFont(&u8g, u8g_font_6x10); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 10, "Nazdar svete! 1"); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 20, "Nazdar svete! 2"); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 30, "Nazdar svete! 3"); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 40, "Nazdar svete! 4"); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 50, "Nazdar svete! 5"); u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, 0, 60, "Nazdar svete! 6"); }

and loop in main() function

while (1) 
    } while ( u8g_NextPage(&u8g) );

    } while ( u8g_NextPage(&u8g) );

... and drawing slowly, one draw is abt 0.7 sec if the same code compiled and loaded from Arduino IDE with U8glib library, working fine fast.

What is missing in my code ? Thank you very much

olikraus commented 5 years ago

Software emulated SPI is always a little bit slow.

Please note that I do not support u8glib any more and also note, that u8glib was designed for Arduino. So in general you need to implement your own HAL for u8g (or u8g2)

U8g2 has some more hints on this topic: https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/wiki/Porting-to-new-MCU-platform

elektronek commented 5 years ago

Hello, thank you for reply, im try use u8g2, result is better (fastest) from u8g, but my bitmap in PROGMEM is not showed correctly

with old library u8g - correctly viewed u8g_DrawBitmapP(&u8g, 0, 24, 16, 21, my_bitmap);

now im try - not correctly viewed u8g2_DrawXBMP(&u8g2, 0, 24, 16, 21, my_bitmap);

and if try u8g2_DrawBitmap(&u8g2, 0, 24, 16, 21, my_bitmap);

view is correct, but data not loaded from PROGMEM what is correct using DrawXBMP ? data format is must be converted ?

thank you for your help with this last problem :-)

olikraus commented 5 years ago

Yes, DrawBitmapP is not supported any more. I wanted users to use XBM only. You have the original bitmap? You could use gimp to generate the XBM format.

elektronek commented 5 years ago

Hello, Thank you, im converted image with LCD Assistant and with u8g displayed correctly.

U8g2 showing byte mirrorly, i.e. 0x01 is X - - - - - - - and in u8g 0x01 is - - - - - - - X

i have original bitmap, now im try convert with Gimp

elektronek commented 5 years ago

Hello, thank you very much for your help,. now working fine :-)

olikraus commented 5 years ago
