olikraus / ucglib

Arduino True Color Library for TFTs and OLEDs
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ST7789 support ? #125

Open iltis42 opened 4 years ago

iltis42 commented 4 years ago

I have a project with your ucglib using an ILI9341 driver TFT 320x240 display where i want to migrate to an ST7789 as bad/no availability of the ILI type display anymore. I see ST7735 is already supported, and ST7789, except different resolution is not far from ST7735, right ? In principle, comparing other projects (e.g. Adafruit_GFX) supporting both, we needed to copy the 7735 files and initialize the resolution of the display differently and maybe adjust SPI settings (maybe need SPI_MODE3), and that's it. Would you agree that this had a chance ? I have that display on my table and could do the tests, so i kindly ask it you could provide me support to setup the repository with additional files to support ST7789 ? It's okay when at first untested, i would provide feedback with tests on this display type. Best regards, Eckhard