olikraus / ucglib

Arduino True Color Library for TFTs and OLEDs
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Please add ST7789VW support #128

Closed iggymayer closed 4 years ago

iggymayer commented 4 years ago

Hello, I have a 1.3-inch 240 * 240 screen with ST7789VW driver chip. Please add support for this in UCGLIB. Related documents are in the link. https://mega.nz/#!MRl3GQRb!k2YHsE-QhVTFinsR2yEMOOTEs6ncpiJspijSWGNe5s8

Thank you!

olikraus commented 4 years ago

I have stopped working on ucglib. Nevertheless, I am willing to accept pull requests.

iggymayer commented 4 years ago

I am a beginner, can you tell me how to add a new screen in UCGLIB?

olikraus commented 4 years ago

"beginner"? Where exactly? You probably need some programming skills to do this.

To add a new display, you need to create a device procedure for this display. Have a look here: https://github.com/olikraus/ucglib/blob/master/csrc/ucg_dev_tft_128x160_st7735.c

Basically you need to add code for each of the messages passed to that procedure and handle them correctly. Probably you can takeover most of the code from other devices.

Messages start with "UCG_MSG_DEV_xxx" and are listed here: https://github.com/olikraus/ucglib/blob/master/csrc/ucg.h#L454

A kind of a internal description is here: https://github.com/olikraus/ucglib/wiki/hal

The biggest problem from my perspective is the init sequence for the display (e.g. see here: https://github.com/olikraus/ucglib/blob/master/csrc/ucg_dev_tft_240x320_ssd1289.c#L40) . This is not a problem of the lib, but you need to figure out how to setup your display and your chip correctly.

iggymayer commented 4 years ago

It's ... it's complicated ...=_=!

olikraus commented 4 years ago

I know. That's why companies pay a lot of money for such libs.

iggymayer commented 4 years ago

Thank you, I'll look for other types of screens.