olikraus / ucglib

Arduino True Color Library for TFTs and OLEDs
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Custom Font #138

Open ahmet1974 opened 3 years ago

ahmet1974 commented 3 years ago

Inside of the ucg_pixel_font_data file, i added unifont mf for trying but my codes are 4224 bytes long, original ones is 4216 byte. Even dough using same parameters in fonts_v2.sh , bdfconv.exe or bdfconv_2_22.exe creates C file and it doesn't work. Bdf2ucg also doesn't work because it doesn't have Glyph_count at the starting of the code. I used 1.5.2 ucglib and also simulated ST7735R in Proteus.

I want to add turkish language support. I tried many fonts (bdf, otf ) , didn't success yet. C codes are different from yours. For example I want to write ucg.print("TÜRK"); but it doesn't work. So, i am doing like this ucg.print("T/xDCRK"); but this is so ugly when looking at. xDC is 220 and it is Ü character on table. If i use serial.print(int("Ü")); , it gives me 308 for example. But my Ü character is on 220 , how can i relocation these codes ?

Edit : I got same results with bdfconv.exe which downloaded from wiki page. On github doesn't work.