olikraus / ucglib

Arduino True Color Library for TFTs and OLEDs
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Some question about clearScreen function. #158

Open imavgg opened 2 years ago

imavgg commented 2 years ago

Hello, authors! Thanks for your great project!

I have a small question about a function: clearScreen.

In my project, I use chip ST7735 LCD and Arduino environment.

I want to draw a dynamic line and a fixed axis, I want to refresh the line but keep the axis still on the screen. But I have some question about how to realize it:

  1. All content (axis and line) will disappear If I use the function: clearScreen.
  2. Can I clear the screen simultaneously but not clear row by row?
  3. Can I tune the speed of functions: drawPixel or clearScreen.

Finally, how can I find the code and customize it if there is such a way?

Thanks for your time!

Have a nice day! 💯

OldSurferDude commented 10 months ago

I'm new to this and I can see that this is an old issue. I do have two ideas. 1) draw the old line again, but in your background color 2) use drawBox, the box parameters excluding the axis.