olimorris / onedarkpro.nvim

🎨 Atom's iconic One Dark theme. Cacheable, fully customisable, Tree-sitter and LSP semantic token support. Comes with variants
MIT License
773 stars 40 forks source link

Question: Using the telescope theme #64

Closed otavioschwanck closed 2 years ago

otavioschwanck commented 2 years ago

How can i revert to the old telescope theme. It looks so cool

olimorris commented 2 years ago

Check out my dot files and my theme.lua file 😉

otavioschwanck commented 2 years ago


local onedarkpro = require("onedarkpro")

  plugins = {
    polygot = false,
  styles = {
    comments = "italic",
    keywords = "italic",
    virtual_text = "italic,underline",
  options = {
    bold = true,
    italic = true,
    underline = true,
    undercurl = true,
    cursorline = true,
    -- transparency = true,
  colors = {
    onedark = {
      vim = "#81b766", -- green
      brackets = "#abb2bf", -- fg / gray
      cursorline = "#2e323b",
      indentline = "#3c414d",

      ghost_text = "#555961",

      statusline_bg = "#2e323b", -- gray

      bufferline_text_focus = "#949aa2",

      telescope_prompt = "#2e323a",
      telescope_results = "#21252d",
    onelight = {
      vim = "#029632", -- green
      brackets = "#e05661", -- red
      scrollbar = "#eeeeee",

      ghost_text = "#c3c3c3",

      statusline_bg = "#f0f0f0", -- gray

      telescope_prompt = "#f5f5f5",
      telescope_results = "#eeeeee",
  filetype_hlgroups = {
    lua = {
      Hlargs = { fg = "${red}", style = "italic" },
    yaml = { TSField = { fg = "${red}" } },
    python = {
      TSFunction = { fg = "${blue}", style = "bold" },
    ruby = {
      Hlargs = { fg = "${red}" },
      TSFunction = { fg = "${blue}", style = "bold" },
      TSInclude = { fg = "${blue}", style = "italic" },
      TSParameter = { fg = "${fg}", style = "italic" },
      TSSymbol = { fg = "${cyan}" },
    scss = {
      TSFunction = { fg = "${cyan}" },
      TSProperty = { fg = "${orange}" },
      TSPunctDelimiter = { fg = "${orange}" },
      TSType = { fg = "${red}" },
  hlgroups = {
    ModeMsg = { link = "LineNr" }, -- Make command line text darker

    -- Highlight brackets with a custom color
    TSPunctBracket = { fg = "${brackets}" },
    TSPunctSpecial = { fg = "${brackets}" },

    -- Aerial plugin
    AerialClassIcon = { fg = "${purple}" },
    AerialConstructorIcon = { fg = "${yellow}" },
    AerialEnumIcon = { fg = "${blue}" },
    AerialFunctionIcon = { fg = "${red}" },
    AerialInterfaceIcon = { fg = "${orange}" },
    AerialMethodIcon = { fg = "${green}" },
    AerialStructIcon = { fg = "${cyan}" },

    -- Alpha (dashboard) plugin
    AlphaHeader = {
      fg = (vim.o.background == "dark" and "${green}" or "${red}"),
    AlphaButtonText = {
      fg = "${blue}",
      style = "bold",
    AlphaButtonShortcut = {
      fg = (vim.o.background == "dark" and "${green}" or "${yellow}"),
      style = "italic,bold",
    AlphaFooter = { fg = "${gray}", style = "italic" },

    -- Cmp
    GhostText = { fg = "${ghost_text}" },

    -- Fidget plugin
    FidgetTitle = { fg = "${purple}" },
    FidgetTask = { fg = "${gray}" },

    -- Luasnip
    LuaSnipChoiceNode = { fg = "${yellow}" },
    LuaSnipInsertNode = { fg = "${yellow}" },

    -- Nvim navic
    NavicIconsClass = { fg = "${purple}" },
    NavicIconsFunction = { fg = "${blue}" },
    NavicIconsVariable = { fg = "${red}" },
    NavicIconsConstant = { fg = "${orange}" },
    NavicIconsBoolean = { fg = "${orange}" },
    NavicIconsString = { fg = "${green}" },
    NavicIconsObject = { fg = "${purple}" },
    NavicIconsProperty = { fg = "${fg}" },
    NavicText = { fg = "${gray}", style = "italic" },
    NavicSeparator = { fg = "${gray}" },

    -- Minimap
    MapBase = { fg = "${gray}" },
    MapCursor = { fg = "${purple}", bg = "${cursorline}" },
    -- MapRange = { fg = "${fg}" },

    -- Telescope
    TelescopeBorder = {
      fg = "${telescope_results}",
      bg = "${telescope_results}",
    TelescopePromptBorder = {
      fg = "${telescope_prompt}",
      bg = "${telescope_prompt}",
    TelescopePromptCounter = { fg = "${fg}" },
    TelescopePromptNormal = { fg = "${fg}", bg = "${telescope_prompt}" },
    TelescopePromptPrefix = {
      fg = "${purple}",
      bg = "${telescope_prompt}",
    TelescopePromptTitle = {
      fg = "${telescope_prompt}",
      bg = "${purple}",

    TelescopePreviewTitle = {
      fg = "${telescope_results}",
      bg = "${green}",
    TelescopeResultsTitle = {
      fg = "${telescope_results}",
      bg = "${telescope_results}",

    TelescopeMatching = { fg = "${purple}" },
    TelescopeNormal = { bg = "${telescope_results}" },
    TelescopeSelection = { bg = "${telescope_prompt}" },