olimorris / tmux-pomodoro-plus

🍅 Incorporate the Pomodoro technique into your tmux workflow
MIT License
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feat: add auto_start_break feature #23

Closed matteodiga closed 11 months ago

matteodiga commented 11 months ago

Inspired by a feature that another pomodoro app provides (https://pomofocus.io/)

Explanatory commit message:

Add auto_start_break feature that prevent break time to start automatically so,
after the pomodoro focus time end, user has to manually start the break.
This way user can choose when start the break time based on what it's doing.

The flow is:

- start pomodoro focus time     - user action (<tmux-prefix> p)
- focus time...
- end focus time, ask for a break
- wait for a break...
- start pomodoro break time     - user action(<tmux-prefix> p)
- break time...
- end pomodoro

The auto_start_break feature is disable by default.

I would like to enable by default this feature because I found very useful end things I'm working on and then start the break, but I'll let you choose this @olimorris.

olimorris commented 11 months ago

Hey @matteodiga - Firstly thanks so much for this. Love the concept and the idea. I'm testing it out right now and wanted to push a few changes to the PR but got the lovely git message that the remote branch has diverged...then it closed the PR. Any chance you reopen?

matteodiga commented 11 months ago

@olimorris no problems, I've just reopen a new PR, here the link https://github.com/olimorris/tmux-pomodoro-plus/pull/24