olive-robotics / olv_imu_playground_cpp

Simple C++ ROS 2 package/node to start working with the Olive IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit).
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Filtered AHRS stops updating #3

Open rajeshAnt opened 3 days ago

rajeshAnt commented 3 days ago

Hi, I am having issue with getting the filtered AHRS to track the rotation. I have described the problem in detail.

System setup


Olive IMU is integrated to a mobile robot and while in motion the filteres_ahrs topic value seems to get static after sometime and the rotation is not tracked further, however the change in orientation is evident in the filtered_imu topic. Is this a expected behavior of AHRS and am I missing anything in the parameter setting? I am attaching a video to demonstrate the issue.

example behavior

Screencast from 07-04-2024 02:58:21 PM.webm

As you can see the filtered AHRS value becomes static after sometime but the IMU keeps track of the rotation. And when the rotation stops AHRS corrects itself to zero quaternion while the IMU data remains static at the last rotation value.

Thanks for your help in advance. Rajesh

cxdcxd commented 3 days ago

Thanks for the report, i will answer asap.

cxdcxd commented 3 days ago


The calculated yaw variable is not a standard output of the AHRS, it is a calculated value by plotjuggler.


The standard message has only quaternions. Can you print the quaternion values and check the data?

also if it is not changing please take a screenshot from logs in GUI and also from your ros2 parameters. the rig_reconfigure parameters.

cxdcxd commented 3 days ago

I checked the version again and couldn't find any problem. The latest version is 1215 on the website which we tuned the parameter values, other than that there is no update.