oliveiraped / Reportula

Reportula is a php based web program that provides you a summarized output stats of Bacula Backups jobs, clients, volumes and director that have already run. It obtains its information from your catalog database. This is a fairly high level bacula management tool. Here are a few points that one user made concerning this important tool. It is web-based so can be accessed from anywhere. It packs a phenomenal amount of information into a single web-page – that I credit as being very good design! Features Display last jobs status Display volumes usage by pool Full supported MySQL, PostgreSQL databases. Show Jobs which executed with errors last day, week, month Show a condition of your Volumes Show terminated Jobs Search Jobs on several conditions The detailed information on Pools, Volumes, Storages and Clients Search options List the files stored on job Acl Supports and Login users support Integration with Active Directory or Ldap servers
GNU General Public License v3.0
25 stars 9 forks source link

artisan EmailReport:send #15

Open zenjive opened 9 years ago

zenjive commented 9 years ago

Just curious about the new commands to add to cron: "artisan EmailReport:send DAY/WEEK/MONTH"

I've added the three commands to cron, WEEK and MONTH have yet to run on schedule, but the DAY one should be running every day, but has not produced anything that I can see. The documentation doesn't offer any clues, so what should I be expecting from these commands?

oliveiraped commented 9 years ago

In The Admin section you are able to create which kind of reports you would like to receive in your email. The crontab command will check if there ate any reports created, and if there is, will send i report to the e-mails defined in the admin section.

zenjive commented 9 years ago

I've set the reports up in the Admin section, but it still doesn't seem to be working. This morning I got a warning email about www-data not being able to sudo:

hostname : Nov 28 08:28:46 : www-data : user NOT in sudoers ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/var/www/html/reportula-2.0.10/public ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/echo reload

The message came in at the same time that I was checking the bacula status in Reportula. So, I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the "artisan EmailReport:send" command. I have the daily report cron job set to run at 6am, and as you can see the message came in at around 8:30am, which was when I was checking Reportula. I've added www-data to sudoers to run the /bin/echo command mentioned in the alert. But, I'm not sure what www-data was trying to do, so I'm kind of stabbing in the dark here.