olivercederborg / poimandres.nvim

Poimandres colorscheme for Neovim written in Lua
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Disabling italics not working #22

Closed caleb-freitas closed 1 year ago

caleb-freitas commented 1 year ago


I'm pretty new to nvim world, and because of that, this may be a silly issue.

I'm using Packer, and these are my config files for poimandres

-- nvim/lua/plugins.lua
use 'olivercederborg/poimandres.nvim' 

Here I tried to use a part of your setup:

-- nvim/after/plugin/poimandres.rc.lua
local poimandres_present, poimandres = pcall(require, "poimandres")
if not poimandres_present then
    vim.notify("poimandres not found!")

    disable_italics = true,

This way, the HTML attributes are italicized. Also, the native HTML tags are white and not green. React's custom components are green, however. Thanks!

olivercederborg commented 1 year ago

Hey! Try and see if it could be the same issue as I described in #21 Regarding the syntax highlighting, this is something I am aware of, and try to improve as much as I can over time. Thank you! 🙏🏼

caleb-freitas commented 1 year ago

Yep. It worked. Thank you very much!

olivercederborg commented 1 year ago

Yep. It worked. Thank you very much!

Awesome! Happy to help :)