olivercederborg / poimandres.nvim

Poimandres colorscheme for Neovim written in Lua
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Hard to distinguish File preview and results in Telescope #27

Closed OlegGulevskyy closed 11 months ago

OlegGulevskyy commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your efforts with this theme, I was looking for it a while back but didn't find it for neovim Once I started using it, I noticed that Telescope support seems somewhat off, where File preview and Results are barely distinguishable. See the image below image Is this be design or do I have an issue with it? If it's be design, do you think some sort of customizaiton can be done to allow to set some sort of different background color on those 2 fields, or something of sorts?

hekatx commented 1 year ago

You can override colorscheme colors by using vim.api.nvim_set_hl on nvim >= 0.7. For this particular case, you're looking for something like this:

vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "TelescopeSelection", { bg = "#42675A" })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "TelescopeSelectionCaret", { bg = "#42675A" })

Just replace #42675A with any color you want. If you want to override other colors, look at this plugins dir lua/poimandres/theme.lua, there you will find every hl group set by the colorscheme.

Tylopilus commented 11 months ago

Thanks you for that info