oliverfoster / adapt-v6-prototype

Readme for testing prototype
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communications with chuck lorenz #4

Open oliverfoster opened 6 years ago

oliverfoster commented 6 years ago


Hi Ollie. Do you think there are any other framework developers who aren’t in the adapt_learning gitter room that might benefit from or give good feedback abt the v4 approach—folks who ought o be invited to the mtg?

oliverfoster commented 6 years ago

yup, totally i want to do it in little batches though cos otherwise it'll get utterly unmanagable let me do this one, then i'll do it again with an open invite i'm hoping the core developers will give me a heads up on the issues before i have to face the music I've pretty much had conversations with all of the involved businesses but not with the individuals So that's the next proper piece. Engagement with the wider community. So far everyone is on board. Everyone is keen to get automated documentation in, a testing suite working, es6 and typescript So it all fits nicely with a more absolutist and formalized plugin architecture even though it doesn't address their concerns directly. It certainly makes those problems easier to think about.