oliverguhr / fullstop-deep-punctuation-prediction

A model that predicts the punctuation of English, Italian, French and German texts.
MIT License
70 stars 12 forks source link

What's the word limit for the model? #18

Closed ReichYang closed 10 months ago

ReichYang commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm trying to parse some texts that is pretty long. I run into this error.

AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[47], line 1
----> 1 restored_text=df.loc[df['unpunc'] == True, 0].map(model.restore_punctuation)

File /work/reddit-policomp/miniconda3/envs/my-py310env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/series.py:4539, in Series.map(self, arg, na_action)
   4460 def map(
   4461     self,
   4462     arg: Callable | Mapping | Series,
   4463     na_action: Literal["ignore"] | None = None,
   4464 ) -> Series:
   4465     """
   4466     Map values of Series according to an input mapping or function.
   4537     dtype: object
   4538     """
-> 4539     new_values = self._map_values(arg, na_action=na_action)
   4540     return self._constructor(new_values, index=self.index).__finalize__(
   4541         self, method="map"
   4542     )

File /work/reddit-policomp/miniconda3/envs/my-py310env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/base.py:890, in IndexOpsMixin._map_values(self, mapper, na_action)
    887         raise ValueError(msg)
    889 # mapper is a function
--> 890 new_values = map_f(values, mapper)
    892 return new_values

File /work/reddit-policomp/miniconda3/envs/my-py310env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/_libs/lib.pyx:2924, in pandas._libs.lib.map_infer()

File /work/reddit-policomp/miniconda3/envs/my-py310env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deepmultilingualpunctuation/punctuationmodel.py:21, in PunctuationModel.restore_punctuation(self, text)
     20 def restore_punctuation(self,text):        
---> 21     result = self.predict(self.preprocess(text))
     22     return self.prediction_to_text(result)

File /work/reddit-policomp/miniconda3/envs/my-py310env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deepmultilingualpunctuation/punctuationmodel.py:49, in PunctuationModel.predict(self, words)
     47 text = " ".join(batch)
     48 result = self.pipe(text)      
---> 49 assert len(text) == result[-1]["end"], "chunk size too large, text got clipped"
     51 char_index = 0
     52 result_index = 0

AssertionError: chunk size too large, text got clipped

I didn't use any other config, just the default model and predict function. It looks like the texts is too long or the chunk_size is too long (which I didn't configure)? Is there anything I should do to have it properly function?

oliverguhr commented 1 year ago

Hi @ReichYang, the model can only handle 512 tokens. Since one word is not always one token, the code splits the input text by whitespace, uses 230 elements (read words) for each inference step. This way we can iterate over long texts.

However, if your input contains many uncommon words like names of chemical compounds etc. then even 230 words can translate into more than 512 tokens.

Can you paste a sample of your input data that leads to this issue?

ReichYang commented 1 year ago

Hi @ReichYang, the model can only handle 512 tokens. Since one word is not always one token, the code splits the input text by whitespace, uses 230 elements (read words) for each inference step. This way we can iterate over long texts.

However, if your input contains many uncommon words like names of chemical compounds etc. then even 230 words can translate into more than 512 tokens.

Can you paste a sample of your input data that leads to this issue?

Thanks for the reply. It makes sense. My data is podcast transcribed from some AI tools. This is the specific text that encountered the problem:

" Big Brother mainstream media government cover-ups you want answers well so does he he's Alex\n Jones on the GCN radio network and now live from Austin Texas Alex Jones we are live ladies\n and gentlemen another important broadcast lined up for you today Connie Fogel the Canadian\n Action Party they've suspended parliament again the Queen has suspended the government\n again through her director general of her property of her commonwealth so Connie joining\n us coming up later we also have an expert on global piracy coming on the show with\n the massive increase of piracy in the Caribbean in both sides of Africa and the Atlantic and\n into the Pacific there and into the Indian Sea as well we will be breaking all of that\n down today you know at the start of the show yesterday we had an exclusive hour long interview\n with the former head of ISI and the general who led the attacks for the CIA against the\n Russians in that eight-year war in Afghanistan the Afghan-Russian war general Hamid Ghul saying\n that 9-11's an inside job bin Laden tapes are fake the US government killed Benazir\n Budo Benazir Budo on and on and on and on and on it was unbelievable hour long interview\n and if I have time today coming up in the fourth hour I'm going to play some of the\n key clips some of the most important clips from that interview but we'll also have open\n phones later in the show and we discussed that obviously everybody wants me to talk\n about the governor of Illinois and what's happening with him and I will do that when\n we get back after the break Obama's honeymoon could be tainted by Lagojevich's corruption\n scandal that's one of the headlines there Lagojevich arrested on corruption charges\n after going up against Bank of America you know we mentioned this yesterday and Kurt\n Demos done a story about the fact that you had the governor of New York Spitzer go up\n against the big brokerage houses that they were involved in crime and derivatives and\n scams and you notice that the little bit of dirt on him got brought out instantly that\n the FBI was surveilling him let me give governors a tip every governor in the United States\n is under constant CIA constant FBI and also foreign intelligence the entire British parliament\n is under MI6 and MI5 surveillance that's been admitted the entire US Congress is under surveillance\n and it doesn't matter if you lead a completely spotless life they can try to dig something\n up on now I don't like Lagojevich he is a vicious anti-gun pimp he is a gangster a mobster\n a thug a dirt bag a big city Chicago city piece of filth and that's clear from these\n tapes but this is par for the course that's why the guys on the telephone not carrying\n cussing sounding like a gangster saying I'm going to effing get a lot of money for this\n I want bids put in we tell you how Chicago works to have a major media show on TV or\n radio there you have to make payments to government to have any bar restaurant you make payments\n to the police it's on record it's admitted for at least 70 years it is the whole state\n is being run by corrupt mob bosses now the Illinois folks are great people but all that\n New York corruption 150 years ago moved there and literally founded the modern police department\n and so I'm not bashing the folks of Illinois we have a lot but four affiliates up there\n I think the reason we've always had affiliates in Illinois and so many listeners in Illinois\n is they know about government being corrupt they know the stuff we talk about here is\n accurate a lot of other dumbbells around the country are living in La La Land but regardless\n of how bad the government of Illinois is why is he why are they going after him now I mean\n the governor can engage in any evil they want as long as their new world order why are they\n going after him well he had shot his mouth off against Bank of America and other big\n banks shutting down factories in the Chicago area and other areas of Illinois hello friends\n this is Alex Jones I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient\n and today that's more important than ever we need to be independent and food and water\n is the key you'll never have to stand in a bread line if you have your own bread you'll\n never have to go to the Superdome and beg for FEMA to take care of your family in any\n emergency if you simply prepare our elected representatives wanted a good old boy bailout\n for the special interest so they ignored your screams not to do it they turned off the telephones\n and email they voted to print eight hundred and fifty billion dollars at least out of\n thin air this money now owns the American and European banks the exploding inflation\n that is now guaranteed will slash your life savings to nothing and blast the cost of\n necessities particularly food beyond many Americans reach in pre-Nazi Germany super\n inflation the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days until it reached over four\n billion marks food prices are skyrocketing so fast there seems as if there may be no\n end in sight the private banks merging with our government are refusing to loan grocery\n stores enough money to restock their shelves the stores have less food but jack up prices\n to stay in business whatever happens in America we need to be prepared and be ready everything\n is zeroing in on food one third of Americans have to choose between buying food and paying\n for other necessities my friends whatever it takes get prepared get self-sufficient get\n food for everybody out there listening it's very important for you understand that by\n having a supply of storeable food the government the new old order has a lot less control over\n you and so it's a mindset a mindset of self-sufficiency and preparedness no one is going to take care\n of your family in the final equation but you you know eFoodsDirect.com is still able to\n ship storeable food that's safe from E. coli salmonella genetic alteration or Chinese\n imports and they do it at almost half the cost of last year's grocery prices call 1-800-409-5633\n or on the web go to eFoodsDirect.com visit eFoodsDirect.com and look over the final\n list of high quality freeze dried and dehydrated foods they have to offer watch the free videos\n look at their online catalog or give them a call at 1-800-409-5633 again 800-409-5633\n or on the web at eFoodsDirect.com take action today the first step is getting storeable food\n ease the T-rex of political talk Alex Jones on the GCN radio network\n and what's clearly happening up there in Illinois and we have some other financial news it's\n very important treasury bills traded negative rates as haven demand surges but that's clearly\n long term not going to be a haven deal reached in principle on 15 billion dollar auto bailout\n and the word being used is nationalization taking over the control of the auto companies\n and then literally forcing all sorts of new environmental regulations and taxes on the\n people when you hear about Obama's new deal that means federal jobs most of the jobs\n you will work for a private corporation so it'll be pure fascism private kingpins will\n get the money then they will hire you at a pittance so that is being rolled out I want\n to go more over that today and also as you know about a day and a half ago they announced\n that the tortured patsies they announced Monday evening that the tortured patsies confessed\n to 9 11 and meanwhile crowd hammer and barns go on fox news and call for indefinite detention\n of anyone the government wants to say is a terrorist now that's what the military commissions\n act does it says any US citizen any foreigner anybody in the world can be secretly grabbed\n my snatch and grab black ops teams they grab you out of your house van pulls up they put\n a hood over your head throw you in a taser you throw you in a car cattle prod you throw\n you in a car you're never seen again and it clearly states that any designate of the secretary\n of defense of the president any of their officers can declare you an enemy combatant and that\n there is then no due process England first came out and got a 10 day rule and a 30 day\n rule now they're up to 40 something days where they can secretly grab you they're now grabbing\n the head of the immigration department under this week ago saying that he had leaked information\n about the government but he is the government they said well it was national security that\n the government had secretly legalized hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens his concern\n was they hired 5000 illegal aliens for high security jobs in secret installations well\n of course they've got to have foreigners come into England the United States and everywhere\n else and oppress the people that's a classical form of tyranny the secretary of defense Gates\n came out last weekend and said we're hiring more foreigners for the military including\n in high security jobs that's what they're doing and you know they can spend it and say well\n for linguists and for interpreters and translators but that's a cover for ground troops and the\n biggest U.S. Army recruiting stations are now in Manila Philippines and Mexico City\n not in the United States so they've set up huge recruiting centers in the former eastern\n block in places like Poland and the Czech Republic and Ukraine our military is converting\n to mercenary forces and foreigners so we will go over Krauthammer and others also report\n out of Bloomberg regional Fed chiefs say elite insiders have usurped authority federal reserve\n regional bank presidents describe invocation of war powers by board of governors in Washington\n so there you have it again seven and a half weeks ago on October 3rd when the congress\n had refused to pass the bankers martial law takeover bill they were threatened with physical\n martial law according to senator inhofe and two separate congressmen we interviewed two\n of the congressmen here and played the clip of inhofe on Oklahoma news radio talking about\n it the senator physical martial law was threatened physical martial law now Bloomberg is reporting\n war powers were invoked that is martial law under the 1933 war powers so it is now being\n invoked it has been invoked it is totally illegitimate you know Hitler could declare\n himself a dictator it was illegitimate but he had forced to sure force majeure the most\n powerful force they have guns backing up what they are saying and what they are doing and\n it takes the people standing up in a unified front and saying this is illegitimate this\n is fraudulent it takes government unions it takes citizens it takes organizations it\n takes pastors it takes people standing up and saying no that is why covertly in the\n past several administrations they have gone out and recruited pastors and prominent people\n and thousands of top CEOs for infra guard and the FBI remember that came out in mainstream\n news about ten months ago they were being prepared and the CEOs were giving press interviews\n saying yes under martial law I am allowed to shoot people and my deputies are now secret\n FBI agents and we are allowed to shoot people and kill people there is this giant secret\n army that is no longer secret because as they prepare to use them they have to unveil it\n in front of everyone so what was it twenty plus thousand we need to do a new report on\n this breaking it all down twenty plus thousand infra guard CEOs and executives are secretly\n deputized FBI auxiliary under homeland security preparing for martial law and to quote shoot\n people to kill we have twenty six thousand preachers secretly trained now publicly admitted\n to train their flocks to go to FEMA camps turn their guns in take force inoculations\n we have the threat integration fusion centers built in the late nineties under the government\n hoax where they hoaxed everybody you know the navy the Pentagon saying that everything\n would shut down they use that to integrate new federal computer systems put in emergency\n bunkers in places like building seven in new york they have one right here in austin texas\n those are really federalization centers they are moving the national guard now federalized\n under north com under these threat integration centers or fusion centers emergency management\n centers those are the three names they go under so this is very real this is happening\n the economy is being imploded by design right now the economy has had all its liquidity\n and currency and credit cut off while the banks the private intergroup of banks over\n capitalize themselves to be able to buy up the depressed assets so that is what is currently\n currently happening right now on that front that's some of the other news that is coming\n up meanwhile in places like iceland in places like argentina in places like grease the public\n is rioting in mass taking over police stations taking over the government capital taking\n over the private same central banks controlling them to control us the Athens airport is shut\n down they are now into the sixth day going into the sixth day of the establishment losing\n total control with the police in many cases now standing down or joining the rioters you\n are going to see more and more of this as the army report said this year as the british\n ministry report said last year as they implode the economy as they bring us to our knees\n to try to socialize us and get us under their control again it's fascist on the profit they\n privatize profit and they make loss public you understand how that works greek fighting\n the euro zones weakest link starts to crack and this is a article here in the london telegraph\n by ambrose evans pritchard and he goes on to say because of the european union's tyranny\n and because it's anti-democratic because it's anti-democratic he says all over europe the\n people are going to rebel and basically rightfully rebel and he goes through all of this in detail\n he says without wanting to rehearse all the pros and cons of euro membership yet again\n or debate the emu is an optional currency area there's obviously a problem for countries\n like Greece that were let into the emu for political reasons before the countries had\n been reformed to cope with the euros and the rigors of euro life over the long term and\n there's an area in here where he talks about that said the riots are roughly what euro\n skeptics expected to see at some point at the periphery of the euro zone as the slow\n burn effects excuse the pun of europe's monetary union begin to corrode the democratic legitimacy\n of governments did you hear that did you hear that and it goes on and on and on and\n on and on protesters clash with police during athens rally riot police clash demonstrators\n outside parliament wednesday as the general strike paralyzed greece shutting down schools\n hospitals international flights and raising pressure on the fragile government reeling\n from days of riots the lawyers for the two officers accused in the fatal shooting of\n a teenager that sent off the unrest and ballistic show the fifteen-year-old was killed by ricochet\n and not shot it directly though witnesses of the police is gunning down one officer has\n been charged with murder and the other as an accomplice but see they didn't do that at\n first so the people went crazy and that's what's going to happen here so that's some\n of the news they're up speaking of psychology and and and people not being able to deal\n with reality i don't know if this is a person who is just very stupid but the way they wrote\n their little piece doesn't look like they're stupid or whether these people are operatives\n we know there are hundreds of thousands of paid disinformation people on message boards\n on the comment sections of youtube going on info wars i will see the same person the same\n handle on info wars posting every five minutes for eight and ten hour shifts saying the same\n thing in every article saying i'm a liar saying i'm a fed saying i'm getting rich saying it\n isn't true saying it isn't real saying we're lying saying we're spinning and and and and\n we see these people doing this they'll even start fights with each other but we can check\n the ip address to start diversions and distractions when we come back i want to go over yes they\n are denying that the financial times of london did a story called and now for a world government\n they're denying it with rising unemployment and an economy that continues to fail comes\n an increase in crime are you safe when you walk to your car are your kids safe when they\n go out everyone needs something to give that extra edge in case of an attack you need dps\n pepper spray from mr defense dot com dps is the strongest pepper spray on the market and\n is the same spray used by hundreds of law enforcement agencies from 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investigators\n believe that there are israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the u.s.\n i'm aware that some israelis citizens have been detained london's connections to the\n cia the hijackers ties to the fb i the saudi arabian connection the israeli intelligence\n network warnings and war games the shadow government and much much more fabled enemies\n get the dvd info wars dot com or see it in super high quality along with hundreds of\n other titles at prison planet dot tv drinking a chlorophyll rich beverage has been found\n to benefit your entire body alcovision green shield green drink is a specifically formulated\n nutritional supplement which provides many nutritional elements that are missing from\n our modern diet green shield helps neutralize acid in your body and maintains a healthy\n ph balance and having the proper ph balance has been known to balance blood sugar levels\n something we can all benefit from green shield combines the perfect blend of powerful 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planet dot com in the\n article comment areas i mean just an orgy of disinformation in there paul watson posted\n both articles separately he posted the first few paragraphs in a link to the article that\n came out two days ago and now for a world government from the financial times of london by their\n international editor by their international affairs editor and then he wrote a story\n about it and did a screenshot at the top of the article of the uh... news story and\n then under it put a two-line paragraph link international internet speak everybody knows\n that's the link to the story uh... in bold it says a jaw-dropping editorial written\n by the financial times chief foreign affairs commentator gideon uh...\n reichmann edited the entitled and now for a world government and we link to that\n now\n what is this person come in here and do and we found out did does this in other post\n what did\n poster one hundred and fifteen\n say\n show the article in its entirety or put up a link\n well we did show a screenshot of the article we did have a link there is\n well as post just a link\n on the main page of the story itself\n so show the article in its entirety or put up a link\n what we did show a screenshot of the article and then put up a link\n the people can read it and make up their own minds rather than hearing it from your\n bias view\n so she rather than address\n the fact\n that we did have a link to it we did have a screenshot of it\n uh... it does say that\n they will continue denying this is the policy\n remember folks continuing remember folks\n find the information for yourselves don't believe everything you read just\n because someone posted it on the internet website\n learn to think for yourselves\n remember\n responsible journalism shows the references\n and would supply the article to back up their claims\n seasons greetings\n so i was reading this and i looked at the article i said well there's a\n screenshot there's a link\n this person isn't stupid\n this person\n wrote this so that we've minded people reading the comments would think it was\n a lot\n and they have all these paid bloggers with websites and\n up there saying i'm a liar about folks there is a north american union we are\n going into a world government\n hundreds of mainstream papers the wall street journal\n the times of london the financial times of london\n the french news agency\n their spiegel\n hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds\n in the last month\n have written articles saying there will be a new financial order a new world\n order\n where the world government will be run by a private group of banks and you will\n pay carbon taxes to them\n but you see it doesn't matter the public\n sees these\n in mainstream news but then still here's the media rush limbaugh shonhanity\n and these disinfo people running around saying it doesn't exist it's not happening\n it doesn't matter if i play\n twenty thirty forty clips in a row\n of gordon brown and nicolas sarcosi\n and merkel\n and everybody calling for a world government new world order bill clinton's\n doing it again\n barack obama's doing it\n he doesn't on letterman he does it or it doesn't matter they say we didn't hear\n it we didn't see it\n that's a military tactic\n to make you just\n be confused to stand down and then look in wonderment\n instead of ever debating the issue of do we want a world government\n as we go into one\n we're having a debate about whether it exists\n now the same\n individuals the same group of individuals also going to the stories and\n say\n you know it broke uh...\n and here's the copy of my tip email\n and mike my email ticket\n where i've sent you the article saying uh... where the news was reporting this\n and you didn't give me credit\n what does it have to do with anything\n number one i'll guarantee a curtain people got that off the news\n people calling in the show about what does it matter you send us a tip\n hey look\n the governor just got arrested\n we write a story about it and then you you go all over the message for going\n i've been plagiarized i've been robbed\n i've been i've not been given credit i'm done with this site\n that is just done to start in fighting folks\n these are tactics being done what does it have to do with anything nothing\n so the attacks against us are really intensifying\n and they all have the\n the same basic you know\n the truth is we've been incredibly accurate the truth is we've done a great\n job and everybody starting to tune in\n we're on the march the empires on the run\n alex jones and the gc n radio network\n have you thought about investing in storable foods or in survival kits for\n your home car office or child school\n this holiday season give the gift of safety give the gift of peace of mind\n give the gift of survival from survival gear source dot com\n survival gear source dot com is the only website that offers the very best in\n high quality preparedness 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being attacked is the listeners of this radio show\n who are activists who are out there spreading video links educating people\n putting out key information pointing out hypocrisy\n pointing out corruption\n I notice that we post stories links to the washington post\n links to the very defense department directive put out two weeks ago by Gates\n on the twenty-fourth of November\n where they say they're abolishing the governor's under federal control\n the governor's will just be federal officers at the pleasure of the president\n they're going to use trips on the streets for civil insurrection\n for crowd control it's in the army times it's in the air force times\n it's in CNN\n CBS\n and we write articles about it that link to all the stories given people the big picture\n and they go into the articles and say this is a lie there's no documentation\n I want to see the links of the document look at these liars there's no links\n knowing that right above it is all the links\n knowing that we told people about this twelve years ago ten years ago five years ago a year ago\n knowing that millions of people heard me on syndicated radio shows\n interviews I've done my own show stations I'm on\n reading the news articles we wrote watching the videos I made in ninety-eight ninety-nine\n two thousand\n knowing that people are going whoa this guy was really on the ball\n this guy was paying attention to what the pentagon said they were doing\n they go into all our stories and say these guys are lying there's no concentration camps\n there's no FEMA camps\n give me proof\n when it's been in the Houston Chronicle and the Associated Press and Newsmax and all over the news\n that they built FEMA camps all over the country for civil insurrection\n and they just say it's not true\n and then you follow their handles back\n they don't even hide that most of them are in army\n and we've seen cases where they're on their own MySpace and their Facebook in uniform\n with a scyop badge\n a scyop patch on their shoulder\n they're proud of themselves they have such disdain for you\n that they are saying\n that there are no FEMA camps there is no plan for martial law that none of this is true\n there's no North American Union there's no global government being set up\n and they'll even leave their handles many times\n and you go to their YouTube channels you go to their websites\n and it will be videos\n we've pointed this out on air of contractors sitting on the side of the highway\n shooting cars full of Iraqi families and laughing and playing Elvis music\n we've linked to those videos these are sickos\n and they post videos about how they want to kill us\n how they want us to commit suicide and how they're going to kill us\n everywhere I know you've seen it when you're out there\n I mean these are sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick people\n and then after they get everybody hyped up\n there's weak-minded mentally ill people who then join in on it\n so that's why I spent a few minutes on that today\n also I'm going to spend a few more minutes on this and I'm going to get into financial news\n I don't have time to police things\n but when you hear me endorse a sponsor or a product it means I believe in it\n I'm using it I think it's a great deal\n and Ted tries to police things with the sponsors he takes you\n I think you've noticed we've gotten better caliber of sponsors\n and a lot of the sponsors that the network ends up taking separate from me\n you'll hear on mainstream you know mainstream radio as well\n but I routinely call Ted up and go look I did some investigation on this\n and Ted will refund their money and say you're right we're not going to take that\n a lot of times he catches it himself\n so we are in this society trying to if something's even questionable not deal with it\n Ted other networks other people in the quote patriot movement\n are doing things that I have to morally warned people about\n you know I've been doing this for 13 years and not just 13 years\n I've been working and researching probably five six seven hours a day\n on top of all my broadcasting and other work\n I mean I stay up every night I get up early every morning\n we were eating Mexican food last night and I was sitting there with a little laptop\n reading news articles and in government documents while I was\n while the guys at the office I took to eat were working\n well while they were talking I was working a little bit\n the point is I'm totally obsessed with learning more and knowing what's going on\n and I'm going to have a series of interviews with attorney Larry Becraft\n who's beaten the IRS many times about patriot mythology\n because I am tired of seeing good patriotic Americans hurt by disinformation out there\n just like I get upset by CPS kidnapping kids\n or I get upset by the IRS taking people's you know robbing people blind\n or just like I get upset about people drinking poison melamine GMO foods\n all the show is about is warning people and getting people active to warn others\n that's you know warn the tribe warn the species\n I mean birds do it crows do it they see a predator\n you know a couple while a couple of the crows are eating one is always on watch\n I am trying to be a watchman here I am trying to be as moral as I can\n and that said I don't like fighting with people in our quote movement\n or the old core of the movement it's now so huge and becoming mainstream\n that most people won't even know what I'm talking about\n but as I and my listeners wake up tens of millions of people every year\n we wake people up to the new world order then they go do more research\n and fall into pitfalls with things that are dangerous\n and a few days ago I explained how the malicious sets you up\n how thousands of people went to prison set up with feds leading malicious\n where they go we're we're secret let's go hide out let's build pipe bombs\n let's talk about attacking the police let's sneak around let's you know do all of this\n those are feds ladies and gentlemen\n and so we're all in the militia and I say created a hunting club a shooting club\n a military history club a 1776 club that's why I had the apple seed project on\n we're mainstream we're out in the open we're the good guys\n we don't sneak around and do things then you're safe to go out and be active\n and the feds will try to talk macho and go I don't listen to Alex let's go do some secret stuff\n well half the people you're working with are feds and they're trying to set you up\n same thing there I'm gonna do more shows on that because I have a responsibility\n to not just sit here and wake everybody up and have my listeners wake everybody up\n you're the real power you're the key to everything and then just turn people loose\n without warning them about the pitfalls or about the rocks in the harbor\n I'm trying to put some hazard bullies out here for people\n now I've been through this hundreds of times every time I try to personally warn somebody\n once they get into Patriot strawman arguments and filing bonds or telling the IRS that\n I owe you no money give me all my back taxes back or filing bonds claiming you're taking money\n out of the private Federal Reserve you get con artists scam artists feds\n but mainly con artists in this area or mentally ill people who are delusional\n and really believe what they're pushing and then they get other folks who want to imagine\n they always call it a new technology has been developed and that this is the silver bullet\n and everything has been answered and 99% of it is total absolute bull\n total absolute absolute garbage\n and it is infecting the common law\n now just an example of this is last week the New York Daily News\n in 90 minutes was able to do the entire deed process to falsely stamp that they owned\n and swear at the courthouse that they owned the Empire States Building worth $2 billion\n it was deeded to the New York Daily News\n New York Daily News then wrote an article about it and turned it back over to the rightful owners\n the point is just because you mail something into the IRS and get money back\n just because you file a lien on a police officer\n just because you file something on a judge\n a lien on them just because something bad happens to them doesn't mean it's legitimate what you did\n and nine times out of ten you're going to get swat teamed you're going to go to jail\n and I've seen the smiley face delusional people a million times say that isn't the case\n and this technology is different and they never give specifics they claim all these cases\n they never tell you one they won it's always the same MO and I hear it\n I heard it here locally the last few weeks and I just literally cringe\n I literally cringe when I'm hearing it because I have seen people go to jail\n lose their houses I've seen these other patriot groups set up trust\n and then rip people off and I'm going to do a series\n for the next few months every week I'm going to spend hours on this\n giving you specifics and I want all the con artists to know I am coming after you\n you see just because the mainstream media is lying and spending just because the government's corrupt and bad\n doesn't then suddenly mean the public is perfect doesn't suddenly mean that\n no no opportunists come in here and try to do a real just a lot of bad things\n and it's all bull now are there ways like with George Gordon\n or Larry B Kraft or Tommy Crier or hundreds of other prominent lawyers\n and and and and and read Beckman and Bill Benson and all of these people Bob Schultz\n this is a political issue and they are successfully in court having victories\n winning getting people off over and over again all over the country\n they are having successes but they're doing it within the Constitution within the Bill of Rights\n showing how the government's violating the Bill of Rights Constitution\n and even their own procedures and regs\n another guy will tell you about this is Ralph Winterwood I'm going to get him back on\n he's tried it all he's seen what happens\n so I'm going to have all the legitimate people on this show who actually can give you cases\n and success where they've really been able to win\n rather than delusion because you know people do all these bonds and revoking Federal Reserve bonds\n all the stuff most of it's made up and even when some of it isn't the government is criminal\n it doesn't follow any laws and so it does what it wants to do\n so that's why the main issue is publicly exposing these people in government these institutions\n is engaging in fraud like yes they make you waive your 10th amendment under duress\n when you fill out tax forms you're incriminating yourself to a criminal group that changes the rules\n and does retroactive taxes and engages in all forms of tyranny\n family courts they're totally corrupt they have brainwash cops working for them\n judges on the payroll they're making billions of dollars per state stealing children\n there's bounties on the children's heads there's no due process it's not a real court\n it's just a judge acting as a Napoleonic dictator\n you politically expose them you politically discredit them\n there isn't any magic filing that works in magic patriot land\n there's only true constitutional legal filings that will beat them\n or it's best to know their tactics and the first time they visit you disappear for a few months\n and you move you know I know what works I know what the best course of action is\n I know what's moral and upstanding and real\n I know what works I eat drink and sleep this and I've proven we know what we're talking about\n and I've seen people bushwhacked by all this\n you take Wesley Snipes getting bad advice\n and so got off on the major charges but got convicted on smaller ones\n I'm telling you folks\n you know if you're not going to pay income taxes and they are fraudulent it does go to the private fellow reserve it is a scam\n it is we didn't have it until 1913 it should be abolished\n that should be a political move but they're going to try to replace it with an actual sales tax even worse\n so be aware of that\n but it is a political issue\n now if you're going to try to live humbly\n and live on a family member's ranch or farm that does pay taxes and property taxes\n and you want to just work at the local dry cleaner the local hamburger place\n and you want to live simply and not pay the devil the income tax that's fine and dandy\n they're just bringing in a world ID and world casual society try to block that\n and I commend people that do that but that is the only way\n to stay out of their crosshairs the only way to beat them and it's still not foolproof\n okay you know I get up here and explain the systems corrupt and a fraud people go oh you coward\n you should just not pay income taxes\n well see my mission is about exposing them\n my mission is about about following all the little rules so that if they do go after me it's total open tyranny\n you know I watch all these people advisor by not paying income taxes and I watch people go to prison\n like Mr. Sim Cannon of Arrow Custom Plastics who just didn't make his employees file\n he said that's your issue I'm paying you if you want to do that that's fine\n I'm not an indentured servant I don't have to collect money and I totally agree with him\n but he still went to prison because these are criminals\n and they want you to fall into the trap they want to shut down big guys\n I can't have 15 or 20 employees I'm planning to expand\n I can't have a big office and a TV studio and operate and keep the fight up\n if I don't pay the taxes of the private fellow reserve\n I can't build this platform I can't effectively fight them if I choose the one fight\n of not paying the fraudulent taxes because then that will be my whole world\n understand how that works you have to choose your battles\n so if you want to choose that battle I commend you and salute you\n but just don't fall into all the patriot mythology\n oh you just file this piece of paper telling them you're a sovereign\n you send in the bond and tell them to give you back the money\n and then now they're destroying common law because under common law you have this incredible power\n to declare yourself and to go make filings and that was honored\n but with that power you can steal the Empire State Building\n with that power you can wreck a cop's life and he may even deserve it\n but the point is it was fraudulent what you did\n and then that lets the system demonize the common law\n and start removing it and replacing it with pure administrative\n so the patriots are out there polluting the common law and misusing it and destroying it\n and I declare war on you fakes and frauds\n we'll be right back\n when you're out driving this holiday season keep in mind you're being watched\n whether you know it or not red light and speed cameras are everywhere\n ready to snap a photo of your license plate\n one simple harmless error could end up costing you over $500\n quickly putting an end to your holiday cheer\n fight back with photo blocker\n simply spray your plate once and you're done\n any photos of your license plate will appear overexposed\n making them virtually unreadable\n see the newscast showing just how photo blocker works against traffic cameras\n Christmas is here and the economy is in bad enough shape\n without spending hundreds of dollars in fees\n that can be avoided with one simple application of photo blocker\n go to sprayyourplate.com\n that's sprayyourplate.com or call 1-800-276-9601\n that's 1-800-276-9601\n don't give your money to the state\n spray your plate and when the cameras flash\n you'll save some cash\n a day unlike any other in the long course of American history\n a terrorist act of war against this country\n the enemies struck America on September 11th\n but who is the enemy?\n bin Laden\n this is his MO\n we have to look to the Middle East\n we have to look to Osama bin Laden\n Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look\n at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States\n some US investigators believe that there are Israelis again\n very much engaged in spying in and on the US\n I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained\n bin Laden's connections to the CIA\n the hijackers ties to the FBI\n the Saudi Arabian connection\n the Israeli intelligence network\n warnings in war games\n the shadow government\n and much much more\n fabled enemies\n get the DVD at infowars.com\n or see it in super high quality\n along with hundreds of other titles\n at prisonplanet.tv\n either you are with us\n or you are with the terrorists\n the secrets to youth.com\n that's learn the secrets to youth.com\n ease the T-rex of political talk\n Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network\n we got Connie Fogel the Canadian action party\n on 30 minutes with us coming up\n they suspended parliament\n the Queen of England has again\n and Canadians are then denial about that\n it's in Reuters\n it's in Bloomberg\n the Queens governor\n the real head of Canada did this\n so that's coming up\n I want to bring Ted Anderson up right now\n to talk about something sensible\n something good\n he bought gold when it was 740 an ounce\n it is now over 800 and surging today\n we've told you this is a buying opportunity\n Ted Anderson the owner of Genesis\n and Midas Resources\n all there in the same building\n has a whole group of gold coins\n at deals you're not going to find anywhere else\n and yes ladies and gentlemen\n they have a limited amount\n that have been sold out for six months\n of the buffaloes\n but first come first serve on those\n they have plenty of the British sovereigns\n the Franks\n and even some American Eagles\n at the price they were a week ago\n when Ted bought them when it was 740\n it is now over 800 and climbing\n with the economy and freefall\n things imploding the dollar\n in trouble\n world currencies in trouble\n major re-monetization\n they're talking about devaluing global currencies\n coming up in January and February\n now is the time\n with all that is happening\n to convert some of your Federal Reserve notes\n or stocks\n into physically held gold and silver\n Ted Anderson tell us today's offer\n yeah let me just go over real quick\n we do have the British sovereign\n they were bought back when gold was at 740\n currently right now the British sovereign\n is at 242\n we do have Franks\n at the price of 195\n I also have a very limited supply\n of the buffalo coin\n they're at 1036\n very popular coin\n but you can't get them\n I have some of the $5 modern still available\n just found out it was sold out\n on the 10 Indians and 10 Liberties\n that kind of bummed me out\n but we do have a good supply\n of those coins available\n and it just came to no surprise to me Alex\n that when they came up with this\n $15 billion bailout\n that gold prices would be going up again\n and here we are sitting here\n over $800 gold\n currently right now gold at 81240\n seeing a high today already of 81370\n so we're seeing it happen again\n plus the dollars falling right now\n and gold is going up\n that's the way it should naturally occur\n but with the manipulation that's been going on\n for the last month\n the dollar going up\n gold would go up\n let's be clear\n gold is a hedge against inflation\n a hedge against oppression\n you know your golden parachute\n and silver it's great\n but there is the speculative nature\n that it could massively explode\n and many top pundits are saying\n 2000 is easily approachable\n I'm not saying that's going to happen\n I'm saying it's going to hold or go up moderately\n that is a pretty much a sure bet\n regardless I believe in this\n this is what I'm doing\n these are insanely good prices\n and again\n Ted has a limited supply\n of the coveted at a great price\n the buffaloes\n so first come first serve on those\n but how long can you hold this deal\n on the sovereigns, the francs and the others\n well I certainly can hold it through the evening tonight\n and we'll just see what the market will bear tomorrow\n but yeah indeed gold is going up\n and my prices will go up too\n I'll have to pay more\n 800-686-2237\n here's the number again folks\n write it down\n 800-686-2237\n and if you're listening to this on the AM and FM\n later in the day or the evening\n or you're listening on the internet in the evening\n or the podcast\n call\n this deal is good through midnight\n central time\n the 10th of December 2008\n 800-686-2237\n that's the number the brokers are there\n to answer your questions\n take your order\n 800-686-2237\n Ted I want to hold you over for another five minutes\n before we get Connie Fogle on\n I want to get into treasury bills\n trade at negative rate\n as haven demand surges\n this is the first time ever\n the treasuries have been at\n under\n I mean you're actually paying a premium to get treasuries\n no yield\n that's how serious the markets\n are in\n I mean that's a very bad shape Ted\n I want to get your take as a 30 year broker\n on that\n hundreds of newspapers going belly up right now\n or in the process of going belly up\n stay with us\n thank you for listening to GCN\n visit GCNLive.com today\n may I have everybody's attention please\n I've come with a message of information\n 9-11 was an inside job\n do you like being a puppet sir\n do you like being a puppet for the new world order\n I'll do the American people know\n that 9-11 was a stage\n it was engineered by you\n David Rockefeller that for a lateral commission\n to see it for\n the day that we stop asking questions\n is the day that we have allowed the seeds\n of despotism to grow at our own door\n we can take place\n an inside job\n how dare you\n if you know that there's treason going on\n you can be held accountable for treason yourself\n all hell is breaking loose on 6th Avenue\n and if the government has not told the truth\n in 5 years we will be here on the 10th anniversary of life\n please rise\n download the film at prisonplanet.tv right now\n or get the DVD at infowars.com\n now time to take the revolution to the next level\n live from Austin Texas\n Alex Jones\n beef prices are the lowest wholesale\n from the ranchers\n they've been in decades\n but beef prices are at all time records in the stores\n in fact wheat and corn and other commodities have plunged\n but they're still at record prices\n in the stores\n this is manipulation\n there are riots\n going on continually in Greenland\n takeover of government buildings\n Iceland excuse me\n in Argentina\n in Greece\n because of the banking implosion\n it's been done by design\n the mainstream media is now saying\n we're probably going into a depression\n they're nationalizing the automakers\n for a paltry sum of 15\n billion dollars\n to be precise\n a little bit over 15 billion\n and so this is very very serious\n Ted Anderson\n you know folks are insane\n if they don't get into gold and silver right now\n especially when you've got it\n you said it's 813\n I mean that's\n I mean you bought gold at 740 a week ago\n so it's up by 60 and 13\n 70 something bucks\n and you're going to sell out of these coins very very quickly Ted\n yeah I mean we're selling out of everything real fast\n that's what's been going on in the marketplace\n I mean my biggest problem is buying\n and usually what I can find\n when the prices go down I can buy again\n because everybody sort of looks away\n when the prices are down\n I don't know why they do that\n I mean if anybody was smart\n they'd be buying like crazy when the prices are down\n and then profiting from that\n when the price goes up\n but it goes opposite to that\n so I just take care of it for you\n I mean I just pick up as much as I can\n because you know darn well with the economy\n doing what it's doing\n that gold and silver will not stay down for long\n I mean you can't bail out the auto industry\n without having financial consequences\n and that's going to affect the US dollar\n I mean every time we try to bail out jobs\n and create more\n that's you know it's just driving down the value of our currency\n they're putting money into the system\n they don't have money to do all this\n they're turning on the printing process\n well they bailed out some brokerage firms now three times\n and that doesn't keep them afloat\n 15 billion\n all three of these companies are having million dollar plus losses every month\n this is going to do nothing but bring federal control in\n and they're bringing in new contracts for these mortgages\n where people are defaulting on them\n and you know that's still more than\n it's like 70% of the refixed mortgages\n are going into default again\n because the people still aren't paying the mortgages\n so government bailout doesn't work\n no matter what angle you look from it\n the reason why the US Treasury\n there's notes, bills and bonds\n and the Treasury bond is 20 to 30 years out\n notes are 15 years less, 10 year notes\n that's why they call them notes\n and then there's bills and they come to every 30, 60, 90 days\n and the reason why the yield is so far down on it\n is because everybody's trying to flight to cash\n they want to put it in somewhere\n they're going to know they're going to get their money out right away\n and they don't have to worry about market inflation\n well then why would you buy when you have to pay a premium\n to get a Treasury bill for the first time in history\n why would you buy that and then have the government physically hold it\n and you just pull it out and have physical cash\n they're looking for a place to park money for safety\n and it's institutional money\n they have to put it somewhere\n and US Treasury is just happy to do it\n well we have the Congress talking about rating pension funds\n and taxing them\n so hold on to your wallets folks\n you need to get physical gold and silver\n Ted has gold at 60 plus dollars\n under what it currently is\n 800-686-2237\n fire out that list of coins again\n yeah right now the British sovereign\n 242 francs are at 195\n I still have the silver sovers up a buck\n and I do have the walking liberty halves\n currently right there at 840\n I also have some of the $5 moderns\n and those slabbed holders\n they're at 384\n I have the Buffalo coin\n that's at 1036\n I also have many other coins like you said\n we have some US seagulls that have become available\n you can ask about those\n I mean there's a lot of things that I'm accumulating\n because I can see the market bouncing and dipping\n and when it happens I'm buying\n and I'm gonna buy it\n but explain to people you gotta tell them it's the radio special\n with Alex Jones to get those prices\n they'll be paying today's prices\n not a week ago's prices\n 800-686-2237\n Ted thanks for coming on with us\n yeah thanks for having me up again\n you bet here's the number again if you missed it\n 800-686-2237\n we'll be right back with Connie Vogel\n in the Canadian Action Party\n Hello friends this is Alex Jones\n I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient\n and today that's more important than ever\n we need to be independent\n and food and water is the key\n you'll never have to stand in a bread line\n if you have your own bread\n you'll never have to go to the Superdome\n and beg for FEMA to take care of your family\n in any emergency if you simply prepare\n our elected representatives wanted a good old boy bailout\n with a special interest\n so they ignored your screams not to do it\n they turned off the telephones and emailed\n they voted to print $850 billion\n at least out of thin air\n this money now owns the American and European banks\n the exploding inflation that is now guaranteed\n will slash your life savings to nothing\n and blast the cost of assassins\n particularly food\n beyond many Americans reach\n in pre-Nazi Germany's superinflation\n the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days\n until it reached over 4 billion marks\n food prices are skyrocketing so fast\n there seems as if there may be no end in sight\n the private banks\n merging with our government\n we don't own grocery stores enough money to restock their shelves\n the stores have less food\n but jack of the prices to stay in business\n whatever happens in America\n we need to be prepared and be ready\n everything is zeroing in on food\n one third of Americans have to choose between buying food\n and paying for other necessities\n my friends, whatever it takes\n get prepared, get self-sufficient, get food\n for everybody out there listening\n it's very important for you to understand that\n by having a supply of storable food\n the government, the new old order has a lot less control over you\n the mindset of self-sufficiency\n and preparedness\n no one is going to take care of your family\n in the final equation but you\n you know eFoodsDirect.com is still able to ship\n storable food that's safe from E. coli, salmonella\n genetic alteration or Chinese imports\n and they do it at almost half the cost\n of last year's grocery prices\n call 1-800-409-5633\n or on the web go to eFoodsDirect.com\n visit eFoodsDirect.com\n and look over the final list of high quality\n freeze-dried and dehydrated foods they have to offer\n for free videos\n look at their online catalog\n or give them a call at 1-800-409-5633\n again 800-409-5633\n or on the web at eFoodsDirect.com\n take action today\n the first step is getting storable food\n and the public is rioting\n and defeating them\n from Iceland to Greece\n but it's too late the bankers\n have already looted the country's drive\n the Financial Times of London as you know\n reported two days ago\n and now for a world government\n was the headline admitting that it is\n a tyrannical world government for your own good\n there's also an article\n out of the London Telegraph today\n by Mr. Pritchard\n admitting that people are rioting\n because the New World Order is tyrannical\n and we see the same tyranny in Canada\n you have the Parliament\n you have Mr. Harpers\n even Harper\n the Prime Minister losing seats\n he should leave\n they moved to kick him out\n and so he goes to the\n Governor General\n of the Queen the True Power\n in a commonwealth\n now the people are the real power\n and if they knew things were really being run by the Crown\n they would know how illegitimate\n was and stop it\n that's why the Crowns never wanted to use this power\n though they've used it in Australia back in the 70s\n was the last time we've seen this in a major\n commonwealth\n Canadian Prime Minister wins Suspension to Parliament\n this is from last Friday\n December 4th\n now they've done it again\n and I wanted to re-read this for you to Connie Fogel\n rare suspension to Parliament\n last Thursday managing to avoid being ousted\n by opposition parties angry over the minority\n conservative government's economic plans\n and an attempt to cut off party financing\n Governor General\n Michelle\n John\n the representative of Queen Elizabeth\n Canada's head of state\n agreed to Harper's request to shut down Parliament\n until January 26th\n Parliament was reconvened just weeks ago\n after the October 14th election\n this request for the suspension was unprecedented\n no Prime Minister had asked for Parliament to suspend\n to avoid a confidence vote\n in the House of Commons\n now when we posted just the top couple paragraphs\n and linked to this last week\n people went into infowars.com\n presentplanet.com\n and they just said Alex Jones is a liar\n the Queen doesn't run anything\n the Parliament runs everything\n this is a lie\n that's delusional thinking\n just like we posted the article\n and now for a global government\n people went into the comments and said it's not real\n that article doesn't exist direct link\n to the Financial Times of London\n saying role government's real\n saying it's tyrannical and saying it's a good idea\n I mean this is mental illness ladies and gentlemen\n or these are disinfo operatives\n of course Connie Fogel and the Canadian Action Party\n have caught police dressing up\n as anarchists and attacking other police\n that made national news earlier this year\n they've got out a new article\n by Minister of Suspense Parliament again\n and just to let you know\n who Connie Fogel is\n she's a great lady\n as a former leader of the Canadian Action Party\n a lawyer and former teacher\n Fogel lives in Vancouver British Columbia\n where her late husband Harry Rankin\n was a long time progressive city councillor\n she's an anti-globalization activist\n and was an opponent\n of the multi\n trilateral agreement\n on investment for the North American Free Trade Agreement\n she has also been active\n with the Canadian Liberty Committee\n and it goes on and on\n but Connie good to have you on with us\n appreciate you joining us\n well thank you very much for including me\n your show is very popular and I'm very pleased to be part of it today\n we're pleased to have you here\n why are Canadians and Americans\n in denial about this and what's really happening\n well denial is the word\n I was thinking as you were talking\n people just\n I guess maybe it's human nature\n to be so bad they just don't want to accept it\n that's the way it is and it's easier to be\n to deny than to face something\n because facing takes a lot of courage\n and it also means adjusting yourself\n it also means taking on courage\n it also means maybe having to take a tough stand\n and really having to fight somewhere\n facing that you really live in a puppet dictatorship\n under an imperial governor\n and that the queen really runs things\n and that you're still under a queen's heart to deal with\n yeah that's right people don't want to face that\n and the reality of just exactly what's happened\n is pretty shocking and it goes even worse\n because what's just\n happened now is that\n the Liberals have changed their leadership\n just instantly there was going to be a leadership change\n come May\n but they got rid of Dion\n who was the person that was supportive of the cooperation\n and the coalition to\n get rid of the Harper minority\n government\n now they put Ignatius in\n who is a globalist\n he's probably a Harperite as well\n they can't sit down the two of them\n and there probably won't be a coalition to defeat\n the Harper government\n that is to move the minority opposition forces in power\n it's very interesting when you have these minority governments\n they can be quite democratic\n but what we see happening here\n is that the people that are in the elected positions\n they've got to the point where they're so greedy\n they're so arrogant\n they just have such an abuse\n of the people's wish\n that they just go along\n and do what they can manage to do\n and that's what we see here in the Liberal Party\n they've put a leader in without going to their own membership\n let's stop there and explain how this works\n what happens is\n once nations start going down into corruption\n there's then a snatching and grabbing phase\n where they know everything's imploding\n so they're just stealing everything that's not nailed down\n including the kitchen sink\n and so because it revealed\n that the Queen really runs things\n that the Governor General really runs things\n they have to go in now and take over\n the Liberals that were\n trying to rightfully take control of the government\n so they're having to go in now\n and take those guys over\n to then create the illusion\n that the power structure has been defeated\n yeah, but of course\n what it is is all complicity with the power structure\n and it's\n it's really disgusting\n and disgraceful. Unfortunately in Canada\n the Canadians are\n so much more\n Canadians\n are slow to really\n take action and to fight\n like\n contrary to the people in the States\n I mean with a lot of respect for the citizens of the United States\n maybe you'll complain about them I know\n but on the other hand you've got stuff written right in\n your constitution that's very strong\n and you've got groups, organizations in the United States\n and you're an example of the power\n in the United States of the people where you really are\n doing some powerfully good stuff\n in terms of resistance. We don't have\n that kind of strength happening\n the little tiny voice of the Canadian Action Party\n and so\n I'm really worried\n I'm really worried about what's going to happen\n the last article you talked about\n of the global\n one world order being in place\n that's true, it's funny how you talk about these people\n writing and saying this isn't happening\n what's truly frightening is that enough\n people don't understand the implications\n and the really big thing that scares me and do I want to jump into this\n or ask you about this is the whole\n depopulation thing that seems to be on the agenda\n as well. No that's it, I mean they're openly saying\n in the\n financial times of London and hundreds of other papers\n yes it's a world government\n yes we are going to\n come after your liberties\n yes we're anti-democratic\n and then the public is so\n mind controlled\n that they were previously told it didn't exist\n so they say no, no, no\n you do not have a link\n on your website to the financial times\n you are a liar\n I mean you talk about willful delusion\n I know\n but you know\n at one level you can't blame\n human beings for wanting things to be nice\n on the other thing it's a really\n wonderful\n reality that there are people like you and like me\n who will speak out and we are\n we are way out in front of the other people in terms of following\n what's going on, annoying and seeing what's really going on\n and that scares people, I mean I've had people\n tell me I don't want to hear that\n you're scaring me go away leave me alone\n well that should be\n scared of not doing anything and the bad guy is winning\n I don't think they know what a world government means\n no they don't\n but the important thing is\n is that you continue to talk\n I continue to talk and eventually I've had people come to me\n and say like a year later or two years later\n after something they said when you said such and such\n at that time I didn't agree with you\n and I didn't vote for you and I'm so embarrassed and so ashamed\n and I want to apologize now\n I mean they do learn, they do grow\n and that's the importance and the value of the work\n that you're doing\n at that point where they're just removing\n the velvet glove off the iron fist\n worldwide and saying okay it's tyranny\n and we run things and you don't\n yeah but you know it's just\n like you said in that video I've seen\n where you stand up and you say\n you don't own the world, you don't think we're not going to let you\n and that has to continue\n what have Canadians said and then of course plug the websites\n so Canadians can join you\n and fight back and really you are one of the only\n mainline groups that's eloquently fighting\n what did they say\n maybe six months ago when it was all over Canadian papers\n that yes US troops will be used\n here, yes we will police the Americans\n yes we're in a North American\n system, yes Northcom\n is basically running Canada\n I mean that was in the major papers\n still denial it's made\n the major papers but in small sections\n and you've got to remember probably it's the fact\n that most people don't read\n papers of all anymore\n and it's just a major denial\n and if it did happen they didn't kind of\n matter what the problem you know\n they don't see it and I think most people still\n do not know what we're talking about\n they don't, this business\n of the military of each country going into\n the other it's really worrisome in terms of what\n might be shaping up right away and it's\n to happen in January\n so the crunch is there and\n gosh you know you hate to be\n the bad guy that deliver\n bad news all the time but on the other hand\n I keep going back to the point that it's important\n it's important that people must not be\n afraid and they must realize that the only thing\n that's going to make any difference for their lives\n is for their own courage to take hold\n What are mainline Canadians saying about\n the Queen openly ruling?\n Nothing, most Canadians\n I mean they like the parliamentary system that we have\n there are many who don't, there's groups\n that don't, large numbers who don't but\n the idea of having the Queen in there as\n the final voice in our things has been\n something that's been part of our system forever\n and nobody's, there's not a\n significant force moving to\n that because she's basically been a\n figurehead but when you see something like\n this happening which again\n most people won't understand it's significant\n you've hit the nail on the head and especially when you go back\n to the one world order and the power\n of the Queen of England in that one world order thing\n it's pretty significant\n and most people don't have a clue\n Well it's not a figurehead because she only\n shows her power when she has to\n Absolutely, that's right\n I mean hey I don't care what your parliament says\n I'm in charge\n My governor is in charge\n Well only under certain\n critical conditions like we've just seen\n but that's the point, the point of the critical conditions\n is the very time of importance isn't it\n Bloomberg's reporting\n that the Federal Reserve is under\n war powers under martial law, that's in Bloomberg\n My God\n Oh yeah they're just\n I mean they're announcing they're going to have regular army\n brigades on the streets of America\n It's just incredible, Connie Fogel\n I want to get you back up for a full hour in the near future\n We've got one little segment left\n when we come back, give out the Canadian\n action party website\n tell Canadians how they can join you\n some of the fights where this take over\n by the Queen of Parliament\n is going\n and I guess the next thing is they'll just deny the Queen even exists\n but the Queen Elizabeth II\n does exist, she is real\n Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back.\n That's over five pounds of rare historic seeds\n for a penny per seed\n 15,000 seeds that will feed a family\n healthy food for seven years\n Big John Lipscomb, host of Don't Tread on Me\n is including an instructional DVD\n that will teach you how to earn big money\n selling the produce from his incredible heirloom seeds\n back to him, restaurants and small delis\n don't buy from copycats\n their fancy packaging is not free\n Order today before it's too late\n survivalistseeds.com\n that's survivalistseeds.com\n a long-term food solution\n For freedom, prisonplanet.tv\n is a vault of forbidden information\n all 18 of my documentary films can be downloaded\n or stream in super high quality\n directly to your 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got a notice there are some military\n in Canada our own military are on our\n streets in some places but we never have\n seen that before\n many articles from coming from the states talking about\n the military being in the streets in the United States\n so I think\n the disarray in our parliament is\n perfect for\n another major something happening\n to be able to really get into the emergency\n measures kinds of action\n that have been put in place\n under the security and prosperity partnership\n agreement between Canada the United States and Mexico\n and a false flag terrible something happening\n in the United States probably at the time of\n Obama's inauguration a lot of warnings\n about that so people have to be alert\n people have to be on guard and the last thing I want to say\n is in relation to an ad that you just had\n on there the health movement the alternative health\n movement the supplements are so necessary for\n us to fight against\n the impact on us of\n the attacks on us actually say in the chem\n trails and all sorts of things that are used to\n demobilize us and to make it impossible for us\n to be strong to be able to resist what's going\n to happen with coming down the pike\n fight that movement stay strong\n absolutely how do folks get involved\n with the Canadian action party well they\n go to our website that's the best way and they can\n just click on a dot in there and they can ask\n to be a contact person or\n to be contacted or they can ask to\n to be a member it's right in there on the\n on the on the homepage\n getting into population reduction\n that is their stated official\n you in in-game\n and you mentioned that\n your your take on\n where all this is going yes yes and that's\n why I'm also saying the alternative\n the supplements to be to stay strong on that\n because of the whole\n depopulation thing we've been a lot of talk about that for a long\n time as you know with Brzezinski talking\n about that a long time ago and\n that I think\n this whole pressure of\n the attack on these supplements\n is to prevent people from\n having natural ways to\n protect themselves and keep their own immune system\n strong that's going to be I think the\n subtle attack on us it's going to it's not going to be some sort\n of blatant violent\n coming down on us by\n military and police force it's going to be\n the whole health thing it's going to be\n it's incremental\n ambient background\n incrementally turned up right right\n right so that's the thing people stay strong\n but keep your supplements so if you get involved\n in that movement to prevent them from\n making it impossible for us to have access to\n those supplements wanting to make them totally\n illegal be illegal even to grow blueberries\n in your yard so that's\n this is big we have to protect that\n that's in the Codex Alimentarius\n right and they're now rating\n Amish milk producers\n right\n co-ops that grow organic food\n they're arresting them that's a mainstream\n news you cannot make\n this insanity up it's all\n about control the animal\n ID act the premise society\n how they're taking over everything\n in closing how do you\n see this whole parliamentary crisis\n unfolding just they'll just take\n over the Liberals and then that way the Queen\n can still secretly rule instead of openly ruling\n well who\n the Liberals I think will simply support Harper\n and they'll\n they'll get whatever kind of package that they\n want which will facilitate the global\n the New World Order\n a whole agenda there's not going to be\n a takeover in my view right now of a coalition\n by the minority parties because\n Ignatius is a Harper right they're the same\n they're the same same stripes and\n their agenda is the same as the New World Order\n is the leadership of the Liberals\n that was actually fighting is now being removed\n well the leadership\n the Liberals that's right\n the people that were that were in the leadership\n under Dionne who were wanting to cooperate\n with the rest of the\n the opposition parties\n has been removed and they put into the\n leadership of the Liberals a person who is\n the New World or Ignatius let's be clear\n you know in the parliament with multiple parties\n not just two there was a coalition\n government forming the people\n representatives were saying get rid of Harper\n we're going to go in another direction that's right\n what the people want and the Queen came\n down from her pedestal waved a magic\n wand and said no well it didn't work\n quite like that what Harper did is he goes\n into the Queen's representative here\n and says the\n let me do the thing the way I want to do it\n and she has cooperated with them the leader\n of the Liberals at the time Dionne also went\n to her and said let us take over there will\n not be\n we will have the confidence what's supposed to happen\n is the Queen's representative is supposed to\n satisfy herself that the confidence of\n the parliament is in place and then to let\n that be the way that it runs\n Dionne went in and said the group\n of us that are in the minority we're together\n more than Harper's group\n and we want to take over and we have the confidence\n of the parliament she wouldn't go along with them\n she went along with Harper who said\n let me just get rid of Harper\n who does not have the confidence\n she has the final checkmate\n she has the control but doesn't like to publicly\n use it Donnie Fogel thank you\n for spending time with us thank you for having me\n you bet take care hope folks get involved in that group\n they're wonderful folks\n we're going to come back into international piracy\n then into the economy your phone calls\n the arrest of the governor\n and more\n we're on the march\n the empire's on the run\n Alex Jones and the GCN\n radio network\n what will happen when the grocery\n stores are empty what are you\n going to do once your food is gone\n what will you do when the 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oliverguhr commented 10 months ago

Look at the new parameter introduced by the patch above and try to reduce the chunk_size. This should help.