olivernn / davis.js

RESTful degradable JavaScript routing using pushState
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Combine hash routes with push state on single application #89

Open Koc opened 10 years ago

Koc commented 10 years ago

There is page http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/627/2260847159.png . We have photo-rotator which uses pushState because there are pages for viewing concrete photo with comments. And there is map with markers. Wher we open marker popup we using hashChange - %any_url%#lat=55.844977954647675;lng=37.63322643935681/kind=place;id=32834 . There is no page /lat=55.844977954647675;lng=37.63322643935681/kind=place;id=32834, it's just anchor. For our case if browser doesn't support push state we using document.location redirects, no fallback to hashChange.

Hot it possible to do it with Davis.js?