olivernn / poirot

mustaches in your rails
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Use erb or haml in stache templates #10

Closed oli-g closed 12 years ago

oli-g commented 12 years ago

It would be wonderful if stache could handle template files like _posts.html.haml.mustache or _posts.html.erb.mustache. Is is possibile? I can help if you provide me with the right directions!

Thank you for this wonderful gem!

olivernn commented 12 years ago

Would those templates be ran through haml or erb first then be handled by mustache? Sounds interesting, what would the use case for this be though?

I think someone had a fork of this project to make it work with hamstache which I think is mustache with a more haml like syntax, I'm not sure how far they got with it though. Take a look in the forks of this project.

oli-g commented 12 years ago

Ok, I will check the forks. Thank you for your feedback!

joevandyk commented 12 years ago

I think they would be processed by haml, then by mustache. hamstache doesn't seem to work with newer versions of Rails.