Hi, I have developed the server written in Go and using this library to send push notifications to my React Native app.
I have two same server sets, one is for the test and the other is for the production. In the test, push notifications works well as intended. I got push notifications successfully.
However, when I updated the production server, I got "x.509 certificate signed by unknown authority" error message when I tried to send notifications to the Expo Push Notification server.
First, I suspected that my expo push token had been corrupted, but the push token worked well when I tested it using Expo push notifications tool.
I am not sure where to look for a solution. If you give me some hints such as from where should I investigate my code/server/settings, it will be great helpful.
The following codes are around the only place that the error can occur.
import (
expo "github.com/oliveroneill/exponent-server-sdk-golang/sdk"
type Client struct {
PushClient *expo.PushClient
func NewClient() *Client {
client := expo.NewPushClient(nil)
return &Client{PushClient: client}
func (c *Client) PushNotifications(deviceKeys []string, title string, body string) (error, map[string]string) {
messages := make([]expo.PushMessage, 0)
for _, deviceKey := range deviceKeys {
pushToken, err := expo.NewExponentPushToken(deviceKey)
if err != nil {
messages = append(messages, expo.PushMessage{
To: pushToken,
Body: body,
Data: nil,
Sound: "default",
Title: title,
Priority: expo.DefaultPriority,
ChannelID: "default",
// This is only place the error can occur
// PublishMultiple function is a part of the Expo SDK
responses, err := c.PushClient.PublishMultiple(messages)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err), nil
sentErrors := make(map[string]string)
for index, response := range responses {
err := response.ValidateResponse()
if err != nil && index >= len(deviceKeys) {
sentErrors[deviceKeys[index]] = err.Error()
return nil, sentErrors
I don't think this is the problem of the library, so this is a just question rather than an "issue". So, if you think this question is not appropriate in this "issue" section, just close it.
Hi, I have developed the server written in Go and using this library to send push notifications to my React Native app.
I have two same server sets, one is for the test and the other is for the production. In the test, push notifications works well as intended. I got push notifications successfully.
However, when I updated the production server, I got "x.509 certificate signed by unknown authority" error message when I tried to send notifications to the Expo Push Notification server.
First, I suspected that my expo push token had been corrupted, but the push token worked well when I tested it using Expo push notifications tool.
I am not sure where to look for a solution. If you give me some hints such as from where should I investigate my code/server/settings, it will be great helpful.
The following codes are around the only place that the error can occur.
I don't think this is the problem of the library, so this is a just question rather than an "issue". So, if you think this question is not appropriate in this "issue" section, just close it.