oliversalzburg / cbc-kitten-scientists

Add-on for the wonderful incremental browser game: http://kittensgame.com/web/
MIT License
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Feature Request: Prioritize Solar Revolution #125

Open Fhurries opened 1 year ago

Fhurries commented 1 year ago

If sensible, would be interesting to see and test out an additional option for the script to save/reserve 500 gold for the unlock once it is purchasable (storage space, visible on religion screen) and to ignore other religion upgrades until then. Would work great with the gold saved from a chronosphere reset to speed up early game (instead of automation blowing it all on buildings).

Additionally, an adjustable parameter or tolerance for the time remaining to get the required gold would make this more accessible for those with 0 production bonuses and those in end-game. IE, a tolerance of 15 minutes means it will not attempt to save for the gold unless the time remaining to reach the 500 gold tech reaches 15 minutes or lower - this should make it so early run trading and buildings are not completely ignored even with the unlock available.

oliversalzburg commented 1 year ago

I very much agree with you. I have noticed these shortcomings in the automation as well and have given this subject a lot of thought over the years. Let me elaborate...

I see additional problems and I'm reluctant to implement a solution for only a part of them. There are key upgrades you'd want to have on a run:

  1. Theology (requires manuscripts you might not have, because you're building chapels)
  2. Geology (usually crafted compediums are spent on other techs first)
  3. Geodesy (titanium is spent on other upgrades or buildings first)
  4. Solar Revolution (faith is spent on other religion buildings and gold is spent on trading just when faith is at max and then praised away)
  5. Smelter/Calciner Upgrades
  6. Other priority upgrades

If you have a "normal endgame configuration", where you build almost everything to max, it will do you no good after a reset. A lot of less useful items (tons of warehouses, storage upgrades) will be purchased by KS.

Personally, I currently counter this by setting stock values in the resource management of the workshop automation in KS. This at least ensures that I can buy my key upgrades manually when they become available. I also disable all Bonfire automations at the start of a run and then bring them back selectively.

For the future, I will consider what you have suggested, but I also have a personal take on the subject, as I have been pondering this aspect for a long time. As you have already realized yourself, it can be tricky to "full-auto" the game, as there are many stages to playing it and the ideal configuration varies widely between these stages. While I've had a lot of ideas how to approach a "full-auto" concept, I don't want to approach it at this time.

What I think would be reasonably helpful and achievable in the mid-term is settings profiles. So you could have a setting for the start of your runs, one for mid-run, and one to max out at the end of the run. Or you could use the profiles any other way you feel helps your play.

If that is a concept that works out, maybe switching profiles based on conditions could be a step closer to "full-auto".

Fhurries commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing your ideology on the automation aspect. As far as Kittens Game has gone, I've only been playing a few months and am not versed on end-game; however, I have played TRIMPS for years where I had also heavily used automation scripts. They do utilize profiles which help immensely and could likely be an avenue forward with KS, as you hypothesized. They also utilize many before/after settings where you can set when certain things should begin automation and until what point they do so (like storage buildings/upgrades as you mentioned could be stopped/delayed). This may be your solution to turning off/on certain buildings and bonfire but finding what variable (maybe a certain tech?) to base this before/after on would be difficult and would most likely need to be per building which seems to be a lengthy undertaking for both you and the player setting up their script settings.

Again, greatly appreciate your feedback to mine and am excited to see how you further develop the script.