I was reading the documentation at https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/api/accelerator , and it seems like ` should be supported it is listed on the available key codes. But when I try to bind it, I get the following validation error.
I downgraded to V8 and verified that it is indeed possible to use this key combination but then again, looking at the change log V9 is a rewrite.
Upon reading the source code, I see that there is a selection of key codes that are allowed. Would it be possible to add more key codes to the validations? ` is very handy since it rarely conflicts with games and applications.
Other good keys to support could be: , , ., /, ',[, ], \.
const isValidKeyCode = (keyCode: string): boolean => {
const validators = [
(keyCode: string) => /^[0-9]{1}$/.test(keyCode), // 0-9
(keyCode: string) => /^[a-zA-Z]{1}$/.test(keyCode), // a-z, A-Z
(keyCode: string) => /^(F[1-9]|F1[0-9]|F2[0-4])$/.test(keyCode), // F1-F24
(keyCode: string) => /^num[0-9]{1}$/.test(keyCode), // num0-num9
(keyCode: string) =>
return validators.some((validator) => validator(keyCode));
const isValidModifier = (modifier: string): boolean =>
* Checks if the given string is a valid hotkey.
* A valid hotkey is a combination of a modifier and a key code, e.g. `CmdOrCtrl+Space`. For more information, see
* https://www.electronjs.org/docs/api/accelerator.
* @param hotkey The hotkey to check, e.g. `CmdOrCtrl+Space`.
* @returns `true` if the hotkey is valid, otherwise `false`.
export const isValidHotkey = (hotkey: string) => {
const parts = hotkey.split("+");
const hasModifier = parts.length > 1;
const keyCode = hasModifier ? parts[1] : parts[0];
const modifier = hasModifier ? parts[0] : undefined;
return isValidKeyCode(keyCode) && (modifier ? isValidModifier(modifier) : true);
I was reading the documentation at https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/api/accelerator , and it seems like ` should be supported it is listed on the available key codes. But when I try to bind it, I get the following validation error.
I downgraded to V8 and verified that it is indeed possible to use this key combination but then again, looking at the change log V9 is a rewrite.
Upon reading the source code, I see that there is a selection of key codes that are allowed. Would it be possible to add more key codes to the validations? ` is very handy since it rarely conflicts with games and applications.
Other good keys to support could be: