oliversong / focus

Chrome plugin for Focus
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Destroy the page #1

Open mrjoelkemp opened 11 years ago

mrjoelkemp commented 11 years ago

Good stuff!

I don't see people doing this for their productivity apps: destroy the innerhtml of the body of the page that should be blocked. Otherwise, it's easy to just hide that "blocking" overlay.


oliversong commented 11 years ago

Ooo good point. I kinda like having the page in the background though, at least make it look more interesting. One way to do this would be to substitute a static version of the page...there's no way to take a screenshot with javascript, is there? Sounds complicated.

mrjoelkemp commented 11 years ago

Definitely complicated, but all of the information for recreating the layout is in the dom and css. Check out: https://github.com/niklasvh/html2canvas. Looks cool and could be easy to integrate.