oliverw / miningcore

Miningcore is a high-performance Mining Pool Software for Linux and Windows.
MIT License
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Cant add new coin #1629

Open yanzakha opened 1 year ago

yanzakha commented 1 year ago

Hello. I have an issue. I added a new algorithm Lyra2z to the source files /src/Native/libmultihash/exports.cpp,libmultihash.vcxproj,libmultihash.vcxproj.filters and files related with this algorithm Lyra2z.c, Lyra2z.h as shown in screenshot 1. I also added a new coin to the file coins.json, with combined pos/pow mining (screenshot 2). Everything compiled well as far as I can see. But when starting the service (I use docker compose for all three things) with running wallet ->psql -> miningcore, this error is shown to me (screenshot 3), before I added all of the above (didn’t add the coin and its algorithm), everything started without error, but naturally miningcore didn’t saw the wallet. I also attach my config.json. Can you help me with this?

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blackmennewstyle commented 1 year ago

If i recall correctly, you also need to add your algorithm inside Multihash.cs and you also need to create a .cs class file for it inside Crypto/Hashing/Algorithms.

yanzakha commented 1 year ago

Thank you. But when I added code to Multihash.cs (1 screen), class to Crypto/Hashing/Algorithms (screen 2) and code to Makefile in Native/libmultihash (screen 3) code didnt compile with this error (screen 4). where did I go wrong this time?

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blackmennewstyle commented 1 year ago

Everything you need to fix your issue is in the error message, you have an issue somewhere with the number of arguments (maybe method Digest).

It's just not about copy/paste, you have also to understand what is going on and what you are doing.

yanzakha commented 1 year ago

UPD I made mistake. Didnt add 3 argument to Multihash.cs. It compiled successfully, but I have the same error that I received when submitting this issue. I see that it is error with some poolstat in psql. Any ideas? Maybe my coin.json or config.json is wrong for pos/pow coin?

jon4hz commented 1 year ago

Miningcore doesn't fully provision the database for you. You have to create the database schema manually (as described in the README).