A Timeline repaint is being invoked from within a bubble to update
"deleted" events, the bubble remains rendered until the close button is
Timeline._Band.prototype.closeBubble() does not close all active bubbles
which is called before the repaint.
If closeBubble() is not supposed to close active bubbles how can I remove
the active bubble when a repaint is initiated via a bubble?
Kind regards
[Submitted by Chris Wright on simile.mit.edu]
vista ultimate, IE7, app being built using asp.net ajax.
David F. Huynh - 14/Dec/07 11:29 AM
Can you give a URL where this behavior can be seen? Are you calling
closeBubble() on all bands?
Original issue reported on code.google.com by GabrielR...@googlemail.com on 8 Apr 2009 at 2:39
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 8 Apr 2009 at 2:39