olivierberten / SwatchBooker

Swatch book viewer/convertor/editor
43 stars 6 forks source link

Windows .exe binaries #13

Open xan2622 opened 7 years ago

xan2622 commented 7 years ago


I have downloaded the SwatchBooker-0.7.3.setup.exe installer but it seems that your software can't work without installing a few libraries first.

For using it on Windows, you'll need to install Python 2.5 (2.6 won't work because there aren't any lcms bindings compiled against Python 2.6), PyQt4 and PIL. Then download LittleCMS. From that package, from bin copy lcms.dll into C:\Windows\System32 and from python copy lcms.py and _lcms.pyd to C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages.

Could you create an installer that contains these dependencies ? I think the end-user (like me) just wants to install the Setup.exe file and launch the software right after that.

Or even better... create a portable archive file featuring all the libraries and the .exe launcher file.
