olivierbon / Placid

Placid is a Craft plugin which makes it easy to consume REST services in your twig templates
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added hidden CSRF-field #20

Closed kmelve closed 8 years ago

kmelve commented 8 years ago

The plugin breaks when editing settings if 'enableCsrfProtection' => true in the craft config file. This hidden field fixes that, viz. the CSRF-documentation in craft.

alecritson commented 8 years ago

Hey @kmelve

Thanks for doing this, I can see this probably needs to be added to templates/auth/edit.twig as well since its a form. Also the placid/manifest.json file needs to be pulled and then updated to detail what changes have been made. If you want to do this and then send another pull request that'd be awesome otherwise feel free to close and I can implement :+1: