olivierfriard / BORIS-App

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Feature request - modify view of modifiers on the app #19

Open CesarUsername opened 1 month ago

CesarUsername commented 1 month ago

In the app, when selecting Focal subjects or main behaviours, the view is like a mosaic/table, with several columns and rows. However, once you click on a behaviour the modifiers appear all in only one column. For example, in the case of a social behaviour, if I add the rest of members of the group as a modifier to register the receiver of that behaviour, this lists becomes too long to be all in one column, and you cannot properly see and select them. Would it be possible to add a feature to be able to change or customize the view of the modifiers avoiding this situation?

Thanks in advance and apologies if this have been asked before, but I could not find it either in the open or close issues.

behaviours subjects List modifiers

olivierfriard commented 1 week ago

The v. 0.12 should fix this issue. Please try it and let me know: https://github.com/olivierfriard/BORIS-App/releases/tag/v0.12

CesarUsername commented 1 week ago

Dear Olivier,

Yes, great! it does solve the problem! When the list is "too" long, now I can scroll down, and every modifier is readable.
