olivierhagolle / LANDSAT-Download

Automated download of LANDSAT data from USGS website
GNU General Public License v3.0
204 stars 97 forks source link

Downloads stops in the first existing scena #42

Closed mquinteiro closed 7 months ago

mquinteiro commented 7 years ago

I'm using the script to download all scenes form startDate=date +%Y%m%d -d "6 months ago" I do in that way to avoid downloads breaks or whatever in days before, but it doesn't work, ever time that the script found a scene stops.

I have tought two solutions,

One, have a flag to overwrite check == 0 for exmaple flag -f = force and use something like while (curr_date < date_end) and (force==1 or check==1):

Another Idea is use inverted search, create an equivalent function previous_overpass(date_start,int(path),produit) of next_overpass(date_start,int(path),produit) and change curr_date=curr_date+datetime.timedelta(16) to curr_date=curr_date-datetime.timedelta(16)

In order to make it form the last-day to de begining.

It could be interesting? I can do a pull request if it is, but need to remove some personal code and if it doesn't have intereset I will save the effort.

Thanks for the tool.