olivierhagolle / Start_maja

To process a Sentinel-2 time series with MAJA cloud detection and atmospheric correction processor
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Small issues with DTMCreation.py #30

Closed olivierhagolle closed 5 years ago

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Hi Peter, I have found two little issues with DTMCreation.py

My command line was:

python DTMCreation.py -k tiles.kml -g 35TLL -s /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SRTM/ -w /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SWBD/ -o .

I think the error is line 436 of lib_mnt, but i don't fully understand the function tempfile.mkstem In case, I have put all SRTM and SWBD files in /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SRTM /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SWBD Merci Olivier

liste_fic_mnt ['srtm_41_03.tif', 'srtm_42_03.tif']
FIC: srtm_41_03.tif
<class 'str'> <class 'str'>
Archive:  /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SRTM//srtm_41_03.zip
  inflating: /tmp/35TLL/35TLL_02n_hz5r/readme.txt  
  inflating: /tmp/35TLL/35TLL_02n_hz5r/srtm_41_03.hdr  
  inflating: /tmp/35TLL/35TLL_02n_hz5r/srtm_41_03.tfw  
  inflating: /tmp/35TLL/35TLL_02n_hz5r/srtm_41_03.tif  
FIC: srtm_42_03.tif
<class 'str'> <class 'str'>
Archive:  /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SRTM//srtm_42_03.zip
  inflating: /tmp/35TLL/35TLL_02n_hz5r/readme.txt  
  inflating: /tmp/35TLL/35TLL_02n_hz5r/srtm_42_03.hdr  
  inflating: /tmp/35TLL/35TLL_02n_hz5r/srtm_42_03.tfw  
  inflating: /tmp/35TLL/35TLL_02n_hz5r/srtm_42_03.tif  
gdal_merge.py -o /tmp/35TLL/35TLL_02n_hz5r/mnt_35TLLe3xxik1t.tif /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SRTM/srtm_41_03.tif  /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SRTM/srtm_42_03.tif 
ERROR 4: /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SRTM/srtm_41_03.tif: No such file or directory
ERROR 4: /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SRTM/srtm_42_03.tif: No such file or directory
petket-5 commented 5 years ago

I will have a look into this.

petket-5 commented 5 years ago

Pushed changes to 181205_start_maja_reprog

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Hi, I tested, and it has improved, Thanks ! But it crashes later on (sorry)

I used

Now it crashes when providing the 10m images:

###decoupage 10m
gdalwarp  -overwrite -r cubic -srcnodata -32768 -dstnodata 0 -of ENVI -tr 10 10 -te 300000 4990200 409800 5100000 -t_srs EPSG:32635 /tmp/35TLLt8hjwmt_/tmpu182jzf3/mnt_35TLL3yd15887nodata0.tif /tmp/35TLLt8hjwmt_/tmpu182jzf3_10m.mnt

Creating output file that is 10980P x 10980L.
ERROR 1: Image file is too small
gdalwarp  -overwrite -r cubic -ot Float32 -srcnodata -32768 -dstnodata 0 -of ENVI -tr 10 10 -te 300000 4990200 409800 5100000 -t_srs EPSG:32635 /tmp/35TLLt8hjwmt_/tmpu182jzf3/mnt_35TLL3yd15887nodata0.tif /tmp/35TLLt8hjwmt_/tmpu182jzf3_10mfloat.mnt

Creating output file that is 10980P x 10980L.
ERROR 1: Image file is too small
gdalwarp  -overwrite -r cubic -ot Float32 -srcnodata -32768 -dstnodata 0 -of ENVI -tr 10 10 -te 300000 4990200 409800 5100000 -t_srs EPSG:32635 /tmp/35TLLt8hjwmt_/tmpu182jzf3_90mfloat.dz_dl /tmp/35TLLt8hjwmt_/tmpu182jzf3_10mfloat.dz_dl

Creating output file that is 10980P x 10980L.
ERROR 1: Image file is too small
gdalwarp  -overwrite -r cubic -ot Float32 -srcnodata -32768 -dstnodata 0 -of ENVI -tr 10 10 -te 300000 4990200 409800 5100000 -t_srs EPSG:32635 /tmp/35TLLt8hjwmt_/tmpu182jzf3_90mfloat.dz_dc /tmp/35TLLt8hjwmt_/tmpu182jzf3_10mfloat.dz_dc

Creating output file that is 10980P x 10980L.
ERROR 1: Image file is too small
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "DTMCreation.py", line 302, in <module>
    creator.run(args.out, args.tempout)
  File "DTMCreation.py", line 269, in run
    water_zipped = self.WaterZipped)
  File "/work/CESBIO/users/hagolle/Start_Maja_Gitlab/prepare_mnt/../prepare_mnt/tuilage_mnt_eau_S2.py", line 227, in run
  File "/work/CESBIO/users/hagolle/Start_Maja_Gitlab/prepare_mnt/../prepare_mnt/lib_mnt.py", line 362, in calcul_pente_aspect_fic
    dz_dl = (np.fromfile(fic_dz_dl, type_donnee)).reshape(nblig, nbcol)
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 0 into shape (10980,10980)
[hagolle@visu03 prepare_mnt]$ module add gdal_openjpeg/2.3.0^C
olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

It seems to be a gdal bug http://earthdef.caltech.edu/boards/4/topics/2462

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Effectivement, ça fonctionne mieux avec python 2.7 et gdal 2.2.1 Mais le masque d'eau n'est pas bon:

gdal_translate -of GTIFF  /tmp/pbs.1116525.admin01/35TLLgrpfwn/tmpgUSMgW_240m.eau ./S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001.DBL.DIR/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001_MSK.TIF
ERROR 4: /tmp/pbs.1116525.admin01/35TLLgrpfwn/tmpgUSMgW_240m.eau: No such file or directory
Finished DTM creation for 35TLL
[hagolle@node039 prepare_mnt]$ gdalinfo ./S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001.DBL.DIR/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001_MSK.TIF
ERROR 4: ./S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001.DBL.DIR/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001_MSK.TIF: No such file or directory
gdalinfo failed - unable to open './S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001.DBL.DIR/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001_MSK.TIF'.
[hagolle@node039 prepare_mnt]$ ls ./S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001.DBL.DIR/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001_MSK.TIF
ls: cannot access ./S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001.DBL.DIR/S2__TEST_AUX_REFDE2_T35TLL_0001_MSK.TIF: No such file or directory
[hagolle@node039 prepare_mnt]$ ls  /tmp/pbs.1116525.admin01/35TLLgrpfwn/tmpgUSMgW_240m.eau
ls: cannot access /tmp/pbs.1116525.admin01/35TLLgrpfwn/tmpgUSMgW_240m.eau: No such file or directory
olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

OK, looks perfect now thanks Peter ! Olivier