olivierkes / manuskript

A open-source tool for writers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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post-v0.14 crashes immediately after launching unless it's a fresh install (Windows 10 64bit) #1304

Open QuestioningEspecialy opened 1 week ago

QuestioningEspecialy commented 1 week ago

The website's Download page says “Download manuskript-0.16.1-windows.zip, unzip it, and run manuskript/manuskript.exe,” but overwriting the existing version (v0.14) caused immediate crashing.

Running v0.16.1 as a fresh installation (1) in the Downloads directory worked. Overwriting the v0.14 installation (2) in the Program Files (x86) directory with the extraction somehow caused the program to crash immediately after the console window appears. Restarting my PC changed nothing. Overwriting the new v0.16.1 installation (2) in the Program Files (x86) directory with v0.15 and then v0.16 changed nothing. Overwriting the new v0.16 installation (2) in the Program Files (x86) directory with v0.16.1 changed nothing. Running the v0.16.1 fresh installation (1) in the Downloads directory caused the same crash as above. Moving (cut & paste) the v0.16.1 fresh installation (1) from the Downloads directory to the Program Files directory worked. Moving (cut & paste) the other v0.16.1 installation (2) from the Program Files (x86) directory to the Program Files directory changed nothing.

After copying the manuskripts folder over, my current project appears to be fine, so I guess I can just use the fresh v0.16.1 installation (1) going forward? 🤷🏿‍♂️ Safe to assume this is a bug? And why does v0.15's zip file have so many extra files in the manuskript directory instead of the _internal folder?

My comment about this from 10 days ago was never replied to btw. >.>

TheJackiMonster commented 1 week ago

These versions were built differently. The older versions (0.15.0 for example) were built using Wine on Linux to have compatibility with Windows back to XP. The newer versions were built using automated Github actions. So files in those archives can be different.

Therefore it's not safe to copy files from a newer version into the same folder from previous installations replacing only a portion but keeping some older files around. They will still be loaded dynamically from Windows when running the executable and cause issues.

That is why your fresh installation works. I recommend removing the old files before moving in the new ones to update. Otherwise you can install them into different folders like you said.