olivierkes / manuskript

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Compile remains empty #342

Closed fdf2 closed 5 years ago

fdf2 commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am using the 0.6, directly from the .deb ( I am running Debian stable) I am writing with it since a couple of month, and was trying to use the export yesterday. But the files remain empty. I have tried export to html, txt, epub (with pandoc)… same result. Actually not exactly, at least with Epub, I have the book name and author name written on the second page (the book is otherwise empty and have then only two pages while it should be about 15 at least I guess).

I have checked that the already written part are checked for "compile"

I have then closed, created a new empty file and filed it with two random text, then save and launch the compile again, with the same result. So I guess something is blocking the compile option. But I don't know how to look more about it and give you more details. When launch from the terminal, I have this feedback wethica@Desktop:~$ manuskript Debug: Web rendering engine used: QWebView Running manuskript version 0.6.0. Found translation in settings: /usr/share/manuskript/i18n/ Note: No translator found or loaded for locale fr_FR. Loading: /home/wethica/test.msk Detected file format version: 1. Zip: True. Project /home/wethica/test.msk loaded. Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. Error: content is empty. Nothing saved. Project /home/wethica/test.msk saved.

We see the content is empty when trying to save the empty export

How can I help you more?

Have a good day.

gedakc commented 6 years ago

Have you seen the tutorial Using Manuskript to Write a Fiction Novel? It contains tips on how to use manuskript.

If reviewing the article does not help you, then perhaps you could provide the exact steps you use to compile and export your document when this issue occurs.

Edit Did you perhaps place your document content in a chapter summary section instead of a separate text section?

fdf2 commented 6 years ago


I check the tutorial before writing here. I am attaching the example file + epub export, hoping it can help. test.zip

I have followed bellow: F6, select the format (EPUB for example), click Export, select the file name and save. With Epub, I only have a 2 pages book with title and author on page two only. With other (plain text, html…) I have nothing at all, and actually even not the request to save at the file is empty.

I am not clear on the Chapter summary section, but I guess you'll be able to see in the sample file. Moreover, in the Editor mode, you have the tree on the left, the main writing part in the middle and different things on the right (including the summary). I have indeed the main writing part in the central panel, not on the right side.

gedakc commented 6 years ago

Using the test.msk file you provided, I was able to successfully open the project and export it using pandoc. Hence you have entered the data correctly using manuskript, and this suggests that perhaps there is an issue with your Debian stable GNU/Linux installation.

The following screen shot is from my kubuntu 16.04 computer with a pandoc export PDF preview of the test project:


  1. Can you provide the output from the following command to see the version of pandoc?
pandoc --version
  1. Can you test using the built-in manuskript HTML export?

Following is a screen shot using the built-in manuskript HTML export preview.


fdf2 commented 6 years ago


Obviously it works on your computer… I suspect it is not coming from pandoc, as I tried the raw text and HTML to no avail. And after trying again this morning, same result. No HTML file is created, and when clicking on the preview, it is empty (see the screeshot)

Anyway, here is the output of pandoc version command: wethica@Desktop:~$ pandoc --version pandoc 1.17.2 Compiled with texmath, highlighting-kate 0.6.3. Syntax highlighting is supported for the following languages: abc, actionscript, ada, agda, apache, asn1, asp, awk, bash, bibtex, boo, c, changelog, clojure, cmake, coffee, coldfusion, commonlisp, cpp, cs, css, curry, d, diff, djangotemplate, dockerfile, dot, doxygen, doxygenlua, dtd, eiffel, elixir, email, erlang, fasm, fortran, fsharp, gcc, glsl, gnuassembler, go, hamlet, haskell, haxe, html, idris, ini, isocpp, java, javadoc, javascript, json, jsp, julia, kotlin, latex, lex, lilypond, literatecurry, literatehaskell, llvm, lua, m4, makefile, mandoc, markdown, mathematica, matlab, maxima, mediawiki, metafont, mips, modelines, modula2, modula3, monobasic, nasm, noweb, objectivec, objectivecpp, ocaml, octave, opencl, pascal, perl, php, pike, postscript, prolog, pure, python, r, relaxng, relaxngcompact, rest, rhtml, roff, ruby, rust, scala, scheme, sci, sed, sgml, sql, sqlmysql, sqlpostgresql, tcl, tcsh, texinfo, verilog, vhdl, xml, xorg, xslt, xul, yacc, yaml, zsh Default user data directory: /home/wethica/.pandoc Copyright (C) 2006-2016 John MacFarlane Web: http://pandoc.org This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is no warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

I have noted that when trying to export HTML through pandoc instead of directly, it is not fully empty, I have the title and author (as for the Epub format), but no content. So I guess the content is actually not sent out to pandoc. If that could help you to figure out what could be the problem. I put a screen shot too. screeshots_about_export.pdf

I have tried to look for logs, but can't find anything.

Any other ideas?

gedakc commented 6 years ago

So far I have been unable to reproduce the issue @fdf2 encountered.

The only error message from the original post that I have not seen myself is the following:

Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
Error: content is empty. Nothing saved.

From a search of the Internet it appears that the Gtk-Message is not a concern.

If anyone else has ideas on troubleshooting this issue then please feel free to add to this thread.

fdf2 commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have tried on another computer, with Debian stable, Manuscript 0.6 and pandoc 1.17.02, and all is working fine. I can preview, I can export.

So obviously, there is something specific on my setting of the main computer. I have tried to purge (dpkg -P) removed the local directory (.config) and reinstall. Same situation, can't see anything in the preview or make an export.

gedakc commented 6 years ago

Thanks @fdf2 for confirming that the issue appears to be specific to one computer.

Do you have any Python packages installed via pip or some other process? If so it is possible that these might be adversely impacting Manuskript compile/export.

fdf2 commented 6 years ago


I wasn't sure, so I checked. No pip… not installed.

wethica@Desktop:~$ python -m pip list /usr/bin/python: No module named pip

As for modules, a big list from the Python help() command:

`help> modules

Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/cbook.py:136: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The matplotlib.delaunay module was deprecated in version 1.4. Use matplotlib.tri.Triangulation instead. warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1) BaseHTTPServer aifc gzip quopri Bastion antigravity hashlib random BeautifulSoup anydbm heapq re BeautifulSoupTests apsw hmac readline CDROM apt hotshot regex CGIHTTPServer apt_inst html5lib reportbug Canvas apt_pkg htmlentitydefs repoze ConfigParser aptsources htmllib repr Cookie argparse httplib requests Crypto array httplib2 resource DLFCN ast idjcmonitor rexec Dialog asynchat idna rfc822 DocXMLRPCServer asyncore ihooks rlcompleter FileDialog atexit imaplib robotparser FixTk atk imghdr routes HTMLParser audiodev imp runpy IN audioop importlib samba Image base64 imputil sched ImageChops bdb inspect select ImageColor binascii io serial ImageCrackCode binhex ipaddress sets ImageDraw bisect irc setuptools ImageEnhance bonobo itertools sgmllib ImageFile bs4 json sha ImageFileIO bsddb keyword shelve ImageFilter bz2 ldb shlex ImageFont cPickle lib2to3 shutil ImageGL cProfile libexiv2python signal ImageGrab cStringIO libxml2 sip ImageMath cairo libxml2mod sipconfig ImageOps calendar linecache sipconfig_nd ImagePalette cgi linuxaudiodev site ImagePath cgitb locale sitecustomize ImageQt chardet logging six ImageSequence cherrypy lsb_release smtpd ImageStat chunk lxml smtplib ImageTk cmath macpath sndhdr ImageWin cmd macurl2path socket MimeWriter code mailbox spwd ORBit codecs mailcap sqlite3 OpenSSL codeop markdown sre PIL collada markupbase sre_compile PSDraw collections marshal sre_constants PngImagePlugin colorsys math sre_parse PyQt4 commands matplotlib ssl PyQt5 compileall md5 stat PySide compiler mechanize statvfs Queue contextlib mhlib string ScrolledText cookielib mimetools stringold SimpleDialog copy mimetypes stringprep SimpleHTTPServer copy_reg mimify strop SimpleXMLRPCServer crypt mmap struct SocketServer cryptography modulefinder subprocess StringIO cssselect mpl_toolkits subprocess32 TYPES cssutils multifile sunau Tix csv multiprocessing sunaudio Tkconstants ctypes mutagen symbol Tkdnd curl mutex symtable Tkinter curses mysql sys UserDict cycler ndiff sysconfig UserList datetime netifaces syslog UserString dateutil netrc tabnanny _LWPCookieJar dbhash new talloc _MozillaCookieJar dbm nis tarfile builtin dbus nntplib tdb future deb822 nose telnetlib _abcoll debconf ntpath tempfile _ast debian nturl2path termios _bisect debian_bundle numbers test _bsddb debianbts numpy test_regex _cffi_backend decimal opcode textwrap _codecs difflib operator this _codecs_cn dircache optparse thread _codecs_hk dis os threaded _codecs_iso2022 distutils os2emxpath threading _codecs_jp dns ossaudiodev tidy _codecs_kr doctest pango time _codecs_tw drv_libxml2 pangocairo timeit _collections dsextras paramiko tkColorChooser _csv dumbdbm parser tkCommonDialog _ctypes dummy_thread pdb tkFileDialog _ctypes_test dummy_threading pdfshuffler tkFont _curses easy_install pexpect tkMessageBox _curses_panel ecdsa pickle tkSimpleDialog _dbus_bindings email pickletools toaiff _dbus_glib_bindings encodings pipes token _elementtree encutils pivy tokenize _functools ensurepip pkg_resources tools _hashlib enum pkgutil trace _heapq errno platform traceback _hotshot espefuse plistlib ttk _io espsecure ply tty _json esptool popen2 turtle _ldb_text exceptions poplib types _locale eyed3 poppler unicodedata _lsprof fcntl posix unittest _md5 feedparser posixfile urlhandler _multibytecodec filecmp posixpath urllib _multiprocessing fileinput pprint urllib2 _osx_support fnmatch profile urllib3 _posixsubprocess formatter pstats urlparse _pyio fpectl pty user _random fpformat ptyprocess uu _regex fractions pwd uuid _regex_core ftplib pyPdf warnings _sha functools py_compile wave _sha256 functools32 pyaes weakref _sha512 future_builtins pyasn1 webbrowser _socket gc pyclbr webencodings _sqlite3 gconf pycurl webob _sre genericpath pydoc whichdb _ssl getopt pydoc_data wnck _strptime getpass pyexiv2 wsgiref _struct gettext pyexpat wx _symtable gi pygame wxversion _sysconfigdata gio pygments xdg _sysconfigdata_nd glib pygtk xdrlib _tdb_text glob pygtkcompat xml _testcapi gnome pylab xmllib _threading_local gnomecanvas pynotify xmlrpclib _tkinter gnomevfs pyodbc xxsubtype _warnings gobject pyparsing yaml _weakref grp pysideuic zeitgeist _weakrefset gtk pysimplesoap zipfile _yaml gtkunixprint pysqlite2 zipimport abc gtweak pytz zlib `

gedakc commented 6 years ago


The above indicates the list of packages is for python version 2.
Manuskript requires python version 3 or python3.

@fdf2 did you ever get this to work correctly on the one problem computer?

If it is not fixed, would you please try Manuskript 0.7.0 released on Aug 15, 2018?

fdf2 commented 6 years ago
After checking the logs, I can’t see
    anything significant, but I am not good at reading logs.
Here they are for the time of the
Attempt of export
      with Pandoc

11:23:42 gnome-logs: GtkListBox with
    a model will ignore sort and filter functions
    11:23:32 tracker-extract: unable to create file
    '/run/user/1001/dconf/user': Permission non accordée.  dconf
    will not work properly.
    11:23:18 systemd: Started Hostname Service.
    11:23:18 dbus-daemon: [system] Successfully activated service
    11:23:18 gnome-shell: Window manager warning: Buggy client sent
    a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0x3e006f1
    (Chose outp)
    11:23:18 systemd: Starting Hostname Service...
    11:23:18 dbus-daemon: [system] Activating via systemd: service
    11:23:18 python3: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent.
    This is discouraged.

Attempt of export directly from
      Manuskript converter.
11:27:40 gnome-logs: GtkListBox with
    a model will ignore sort and filter functions
    11:27:39 gnome-logs: GtkListBox with a model will ignore sort
    and filter functions
    11:27:23 systemd: Started Hostname Service.
    11:27:23 dbus-daemon: [system] Successfully activated service
    11:27:23 gnome-shell: Window manager warning: Buggy client sent
    a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0x3e0125b
    (Chose outp)
    11:27:23 systemd: Starting Hostname Service...
    11:27:23 dbus-daemon: [system] Activating via systemd: service
    11:27:23 python3: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent.
    This is discouraged.

I guess it is just the window opening for the saving choice.

I hope it might help, but doubt it.

On 17/08/2018 05:33, Curtis Gedak

    did you ever get this to work correctly on the one problem
  If it is not fixed, would you please try Manuskript 0.7.0
    released on Aug 15, 2018?
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gedakc commented 6 years ago

Which Operating System are you using?

Is your compile/export file still empty?

On Fedora 25 when I run manuskript and choose F6 compile to export a project to Pandoc HTML, the export succeeds and is not-empty. In the terminal window I see the following log:

$ manuskript
Debug: Web rendering engine used: QWebView
Running manuskript version 0.7.0.
Note: No translator found or loaded for locale en_CA.
Loading: /home/fedora/deleteme-manuskript.msk
Detected file format version: 1. Zip: False.
Project /home/fedora/deleteme-manuskript.msk loaded.
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
Project deleteme-manuskript.msk saved.

Note that I do not see the Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. message on other operating systems such as Kubuntu 16.04.

gedakc commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue because no further information has been provided and I am also unable to reproduce the issue. Also marking this issue as invalid so that it does not get included in the automatically generated CHANGELOG.md file.