olivierlesnicki / cordova-ios-LocalNotification

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Sound not working #2

Closed vasoft closed 11 years ago

vasoft commented 11 years ago

Hi Oliver! Thank you for writing and posting this plugin for Cordova 2.3.0, so much needed.

I have a issue, I am not managing to put a custom sound to it. I placed the sound file "beep.caf" in Project/Resources and also in www/ and www/res, so everywhere, but still default sound is played by the Notification. If you have a hint what should I do, that would be great. All the best!

olivierlesnicki commented 11 years ago

Hi Vasile, I'm due to update the library in the next few days (sorry I haven't been much more active recently). I will investigate your issue during the process.

olivierlesnicki commented 11 years ago

Hi Vasile, I've updated the instructions. "beep.caf" should be placed within your Project/Resources folder. There's also a couple of steps I hadn't mentioned that if followed could solve your issue.

vasoft commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the update Oliver, but sound is still not working. Is it working for you the sound feature? I did everything recommended in the readme file, and still the default sound is played when local notification is fired. I tried different iOS .caf files so it's not file format problem. Looking forward to find a solution on this issue.

olivierlesnicki commented 11 years ago

Your sound should be less than 30 seconds. Please make sure it is the case by opening it within XCode. I remember it took me a while to get the sound working just because it was 30.01 seconds.

vasoft commented 11 years ago

The problem was that I copied manually the .caf file in the folder with Finder. You have to drag and drop it in Resources folder directly in xCode. You have to see the file listed in the Tree Navigator in xCode in order to work. Thanks for the help :)