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change of signature for cudacpp #18

Open oliviermattelaer opened 2 years ago

oliviermattelaer commented 2 years ago

current signature is

sigmakin(momenta, coupling, answer, multi_channel_num, multi_channel_denom, channelid, IEVT)
calculate_wavefunctions(ihel, momenta, coupling, answer, multi_channel_num, multi_channel_denom, channelid, iEVT)

I do have a couple of question for you @valassi, @roiser:

  1. why sigmakin has the " multi_channel_num, multi_channel_denom" in the signature? I guess that we can remove those (they should not be passed from the cpu/gpu and should be useless after sigmaKin.
  2. Do you mind if I change (also in the fortran side) channelID to be the "real" channel id (not the diagram id)? This will simplify the handling of the color (and reduce memory footprint)
  3. What do you think about the following signature:
    sigmakin(momenta, coupling, answer, channelid,random_for_helicity [in],selected_hel[out], random_for_color [in], selected_color [out], IEVT)
    calculate_wavefunctions(ihel, momenta, coupling, answer, multi_channel_num, multi_channel_denom, channelid, jamp2, iEVT)
    • random_for_helicity and random_for_color would be a (list) of random number to do the selection
    • selected_hel/selected_color would be the one selected (selection done within sigmaKin
    • jamp2 would be a running sum over the helicity which correspond to the probability of a given color. (so init to zero in sigmakin)
valassi commented 2 years ago

Hi Olivier, thanks, useful questions

current signature is

sigmakin(momenta, coupling, answer, multi_channel_num, multi_channel_denom, channelid, IEVT)
calculate_wavefunctions(ihel, momenta, coupling, answer, multi_channel_num, multi_channel_denom, channelid, iEVT)

I do have a couple of question for you @valassi, @roiser:

1. why sigmakin has the " multi_channel_num, multi_channel_denom" in the signature? I guess that we can remove those (they should not be passed from the cpu/gpu and should be useless after sigmaKin.

Ok this is something I must have added these days for multichannel in https://github.com/madgraph5/madgraph4gpu/pull/465

I was also a bit surprised that I had to do this, but I found this to be the most consistent to the rest of the code

This is consistent to what is done for other memory buffers, namely for couplings that are calculated from Gs

I am not saying this is the optimal solution. We can certainly reconsider this. But for the moment I would keep it like that...

(Incidentally, this is very vaguely related to https://github.com/madgraph5/madgraph4gpu/issues/356).

2. Do you mind if I change (also in the fortran side) channelID to be the "real" channel id (not the diagram id)? This will simplify the handling of the color (and reduce memory footprint)

Not a problem! Just let me know when you do it, so I need to synchronise the code generation of cudacpp.

I think I actually like it better in the new way you propose!

3. What do you think about the following signature:

sigmakin(momenta, coupling, answer, channelid,random_for_helicity [in],selected_hel[out], random_for_color [in], selected_color [out], IEVT) calculate_wavefunctions(ihel, momenta, coupling, answer, multi_channel_num, multi_channel_denom, channelid, jamp2, iEVT)

  • random_for_helicity and random_for_color would be a (list) of random number to do the selection
  • selected_hel/selected_color would be the one selected (selection done within sigmaKin
  • jamp2 would be a running sum over the helicity which correspond to the probability of a given color. (so init to zero in sigmakin)

Two points

Currently it is https://github.com/madgraph5/madgraph4gpu/blob/c2c57cd456b3d1555f04ac7f77f78398f5a8180e/epochX/cudacpp/gg_tt.mad/SubProcesses/P1_gg_ttx/CPPProcess.h#L131

#ifdef __CUDACC__ /* clang-format off */
  __global__ void
  sigmaKin( const fptype* allmomenta,       // input: momenta[nevt*npar*4]
            const fptype* allcouplings,     // input: couplings[nevt*ndcoup*2]
            fptype* allMEs                  // output: allMEs[nevt], |M|^2 final_avg_over_helicities
            , fptype* allNumerators         // output: multichannel numerators[nevt], running_sum_over_helicities
            , fptype* allDenominators       // output: multichannel denominators[nevt], running_sum_over_helicities
            , const unsigned int channelId  // input: multichannel channel id (1 to #diagrams); 0 to disable channel enhancement
  __global__ void
  sigmaKin( const fptype* allmomenta,     // input: momenta[nevt*npar*4]
            const fptype* allcouplings,   // input: couplings[nevt*ndcoup*2]
            fptype* allMEs,               // output: allMEs[nevt], |M|^2 final_avg_over_helicities
            fptype* allNumerators,        // output: multichannel numerators[nevt], running_sum_over_helicities
            fptype* allDenominators,      // output: multichannel denominators[nevt], running_sum_over_helicities
            const unsigned int channelId, // input: multichannel channel id (1 to #diagrams); 0 to disable channel enhancement
            const int nevt );             // input: #events (for cuda: nevt == ndim == gpublocks*gputhreads)
#endif /* clang-format on */

In both cases I would add after channelId (and before nevt when present) the extra arguments you suggest, random_for_helicity [in],selected_hel[out], random_for_color [in], selected_color [out]

sigmakin(momenta, coupling, answer, channelid,random_for_helicity [in],selected_hel[out], random_for_color [in], selected_color [out], IEVT) calculate_wavefunctions(ihel, momenta, coupling, answer, multi_channel_num, multi_channel_denom, channelid, jamp2, iEVT)

  • random_for_helicity and random_for_color would be a (list) of random number to do the selection
  • selected_hel/selected_color would be the one selected (selection done within sigmaKin
  • jamp2 would be a running sum over the helicity which correspond to the probability of a given color. (so init to zero in sigmakin)

For calculate_wavefunctions, I am rather confused about the algorithm here (and the physics). I need to think about it more. For the moment, in practice I would say I just have this vague thought:

So, summary is, I think you have a much better idea what to do with calculate_wavefunction! Just go ahead, write the algorithm, thehn I will vectorize it when porting it to cudacpp...

[ As mentioned, I realise I need to study a bit more the color algebra. A couple of references fr myself

oliviermattelaer commented 2 years ago

ok thanks i will move in that direction then.

Concerning the color, the madevent algorithms pick the color and helicity independently. (i.e. we do miss the correlation between the color and the helicity picked if any)

so therefore the helicity "h" is picked with probability

|M_h|^2/(\sum_i |M_i|^2)

and the color "c" is picked according to

Jamp2(c)/(\sum Jamp2)


Jamp2(c) = \sum_h Jamp2_h(c) # here sum over helicity

So Jamp2 is at the exact same level as the multichannel numerator/denominator since this is a running sum over helicity. (but Jamp2 is a list per event and not a number per event)

oliviermattelaer commented 2 years ago

Now another method (also supported in madevent with nhel=1 in the run_card but not compatible with helicity recycling) is to evaluate only ONE helicity per event in that case, the helicity picked for each event is determined a priori via a vegas (auto-optimized) grid. The bias in under-picking/over-picking will be automatically adjusted by the weight of the events.


valassi commented 2 years ago

ok thanks i will move in that direction then.

Concerning the color, the madevent algorithms pick the color and helicity independently. (i.e. we do miss the correlation between the color and the helicity picked if any)

so therefore the helicity "h" is picked with probability

|M_h|^2/(\sum_i |M_i|^2)

and the color "c" is picked according to

Jamp2(c)/(\sum Jamp2)


Jamp2(c) = \sum_h Jamp2_h(c) # here sum over helicity

So Jamp2 is at the exact same level as the multichannel numerator/denominator since this is a running sum over helicity. (but Jamp2 is a list per event and not a number per event)

Hi Olivier, thanks.

What confuses me here is the fact that jamp2(c) is the sum over helicity of jamp2(h,c).

I assume here by the way that jamp2 means this is the square of jamp - or rather, the real square of the norm of the complex number jamp, ie jamp2(h,c)=conj(jamp(h,c))*jamp(h,c) for a given helicity h and color c. Maybe I am wrong here?

Let me try to vaguely clarify. What we do is

What confuses me is that

It is not just "missing the correlation between the color and the helicity picked", it is really that I have the impression that the color picking by itself is based on some approximation? But again, probably I misunderstand...

There is the following discussion in one paper which is maybe related, but probably I do not fully understand that either... https://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0209271 "The color-flow decomposition nicely lends itself to merging with a shower Monte Carlo, such as HERWIG [18, 19] or Pythia [20], which is based on the color flow of a given hard- scattering subprocess. A given color assignment typically has several color flows that con- tribute. One of these color flows is randomly chosen to be associated with the event, weighted by the square of the partial amplitude corresponding to that color flow. The weight does not include a color coefficient (since it is unity), unlike the fundamental-representation de- composition [10]. The event is then evolved with a shower Monte Carlo. This neglects the interference between different color flows, but this interference is suppressed by a power of 1/N2. This is not a deficiency of the color-flow decomposition, but rather is an inherent feature of the shower Monte-Carlo approximation for soft radiation [21]."

valassi commented 2 years ago

Or maybe actually that paragraph actually is exactly what I am saying above? I mean, the color matrix(c1,c2) is NOT delta(c1,c2), but the color picking algorithm treats it as if it was delta(c1,c2) and neglects the off-diagonal terms, which are suppressed by a power of 1/9 (I guess N=3 here)?

For instance https://github.com/madgraph5/madgraph4gpu/blob/c2c57cd456b3d1555f04ac7f77f78398f5a8180e/epochX/cudacpp/gg_ttgg.mad/SubProcesses/P1_gg_ttxgg/CPPProcess.cc#L2369

      static constexpr fptype cf[ncolor][ncolor] = {
        { 512, -64, -64, 8, 8, 80, -64, 8, 8, -1, -1, -10, 8, -1, 80, -10, 71, 62, -1, -10, -10, 62, 62, -28 },
        { -64, 512, 8, 80, -64, 8, 8, -64, -1, -10, 8, -1, -1, -10, -10, 62, 62, -28, 8, -1, 80, -10, 71, 62 },
        { -64, 8, 512, -64, 80, 8, 8, -1, 80, -10, 71, 62, -64, 8, 8, -1, -1, -10, -10, -1, 62, -28, -10, 62 },
        { 8, 80, -64, 512, 8, -64, -1, -10, -10, 62, 62, -28, 8, -64, -1, -10, 8, -1, -1, 8, 71, 62, 80, -10 },
        { 8, -64, 80, 8, 512, -64, -1, 8, 71, 62, 80, -10, -10, -1, 62, -28, -10, 62, -64, 8, 8, -1, -1, -10 },
        { 80, 8, 8, -64, -64, 512, -10, -1, 62, -28, -10, 62, -1, 8, 71, 62, 80, -10, 8, -64, -1, -10, 8, -1 },
        { -64, 8, 8, -1, -1, -10, 512, -64, -64, 8, 8, 80, 80, -10, 8, -1, 62, 71, -10, 62, -1, -10, -28, 62 },
        { 8, -64, -1, -10, 8, -1, -64, 512, 8, 80, -64, 8, -10, 62, -1, -10, -28, 62, 80, -10, 8, -1, 62, 71 },
        { 8, -1, 80, -10, 71, 62, -64, 8, 512, -64, 80, 8, 8, -1, -64, 8, -10, -1, 62, -28, -10, -1, 62, -10 },
        { -1, -10, -10, 62, 62, -28, 8, 80, -64, 512, 8, -64, -1, -10, 8, -64, -1, 8, 71, 62, -1, 8, -10, 80 },
        { -1, 8, 71, 62, 80, -10, 8, -64, 80, 8, 512, -64, 62, -28, -10, -1, 62, -10, 8, -1, -64, 8, -10, -1 },
        { -10, -1, 62, -28, -10, 62, 80, 8, 8, -64, -64, 512, 71, 62, -1, 8, -10, 80, -1, -10, 8, -64, -1, 8 },
        { 8, -1, -64, 8, -10, -1, 80, -10, 8, -1, 62, 71, 512, -64, -64, 8, 8, 80, 62, -10, -28, 62, -1, -10 },
        { -1, -10, 8, -64, -1, 8, -10, 62, -1, -10, -28, 62, -64, 512, 8, 80, -64, 8, -10, 80, 62, 71, 8, -1 },
        { 80, -10, 8, -1, 62, 71, 8, -1, -64, 8, -10, -1, -64, 8, 512, -64, 80, 8, -28, 62, 62, -10, -10, -1 },
        { -10, 62, -1, -10, -28, 62, -1, -10, 8, -64, -1, 8, 8, 80, -64, 512, 8, -64, 62, 71, -10, 80, -1, 8 },
        { 71, 62, -1, 8, -10, 80, 62, -28, -10, -1, 62, -10, 8, -64, 80, 8, 512, -64, -1, 8, -10, -1, -64, 8 },
        { 62, -28, -10, -1, 62, -10, 71, 62, -1, 8, -10, 80, 80, 8, 8, -64, -64, 512, -10, -1, -1, 8, 8, -64 },
        { -1, 8, -10, -1, -64, 8, -10, 80, 62, 71, 8, -1, 62, -10, -28, 62, -1, -10, 512, -64, -64, 8, 8, 80 },
        { -10, -1, -1, 8, 8, -64, 62, -10, -28, 62, -1, -10, -10, 80, 62, 71, 8, -1, -64, 512, 8, 80, -64, 8 },
        { -10, 80, 62, 71, 8, -1, -1, 8, -10, -1, -64, 8, -28, 62, 62, -10, -10, -1, -64, 8, 512, -64, 80, 8 },
        { 62, -10, -28, 62, -1, -10, -10, -1, -1, 8, 8, -64, 62, 71, -10, 80, -1, 8, 8, 80, -64, 512, 8, -64 },
        { 62, 71, -10, 80, -1, 8, -28, 62, 62, -10, -10, -1, -1, 8, -10, -1, -64, 8, 8, -64, 80, 8, 512, -64 },
        { -28, 62, 62, -10, -10, -1, 62, 71, -10, 80, -1, 8, -10, -1, -1, 8, 8, -64, 80, 8, 8, -64, -64, 512 } }; // 2-D array[24][24]

In a way, the algorithm proceeds as if the matrix above only had the 512's on the diagonal, and neglects all other terms (which indeed are one order of magnitude smaller)?

oliviermattelaer commented 2 years ago

yes that's the point. The parton-shower wants/need the leading color information (which is the same that N is very large --even if it is only 3--) and therefore you only got a (subset) of the diagonal to consider.

Interference between color is actually something that can not be written on the lhef (due to format limitation)

valassi commented 2 years ago

ok very good if that's the algorithm then I agree also with your calculate_wavefunction API... essentially you need to add a jamp2 to the signature, which is a pointer to an array with ncolors real numbers per event, and calling it just adds the contribution for the given helicity.

Now https://github.com/madgraph5/madgraph4gpu/blob/c2c57cd456b3d1555f04ac7f77f78398f5a8180e/epochX/cudacpp/gg_ttgg.mad/SubProcesses/P1_gg_ttxgg/CPPProcess.cc#L91

 // Evaluate |M|^2 for each subprocess
  // NB: calculate_wavefunctions ADDS |M|^2 for a given ihel to the running sum of |M|^2 over helicities for the given event(s)
  // (similarly, it also ADDS the numerator and denominator for a given ihel to their running sums over helicities)
  __device__ INLINE void /* clang-format off */
  calculate_wavefunctions( int ihel,
                           const fptype* allmomenta,      // input: momenta[nevt*npar*4]
                           const fptype* allcouplings,    // input: couplings[nevt*ndcoup*2]
                           fptype* allMEs                 // output: allMEs[nevt], |M|^2 running_sum_over_helicities
                           , fptype* allNumerators        // output: multichannel numerators[nevt], running_sum_over_helicities
                           , fptype* allDenominators      // output: multichannel denominators[nevt], running_sum_over_helicities
                           , const unsigned int channelId // input: multichannel channel id (1 to #diagrams); 0 to disable channel enhancement
#ifndef __CUDACC__
                           , const int nevt               // input: #events (for cuda: nevt == ndim == gpublocks*gputhreads)

In practice you need to add one variable, something like

 // Evaluate |M|^2 for each subprocess
  // NB: calculate_wavefunctions ADDS |M|^2 for a given ihel to the running sum of |M|^2 over helicities for the given event(s)
  // (similarly, it also ADDS the numerator and denominator for a given ihel to their running sums over helicities)
  __device__ INLINE void /* clang-format off */
  calculate_wavefunctions( int ihel,
                           const fptype* allmomenta,      // input: momenta[nevt*npar*4]
                           const fptype* allcouplings,    // input: couplings[nevt*ndcoup*2]
                           fptype* allMEs,                // output: allMEs[nevt], |M|^2 running_sum_over_helicities
                           fptype* allNumerators,        // output: multichannel numerators[nevt], running_sum_over_helicities
                           fptype* allDenominators,      // output: multichannel denominators[nevt], running_sum_over_helicities
                           const unsigned int channelId, // input: multichannel channel id (1 to #diagrams); 0 to disable channel enhancement
                           fptype* allJamp2      // output: [nevt*ncolor], running_sum_over_helicities
#ifndef __CUDACC__
                           , const int nevt               // input: #events (for cuda: nevt == ndim == gpublocks*gputhreads)

Then internally I would yet another memory buffer and memory access functions for this new type of data structure...

oliviermattelaer commented 2 years ago

Hi @valassi, I'm a bit confused about all the assignment in the cudacpp part. I have branch your plugin (new branch color) where I have started the work to add support for the color. This is certainly not fully working (and require the latest 3.1.1_lo_vectorization commit) but I guess that either you can start from there for the cpp part and/or that we need to discuss more. (I think that, it is a bit pointless to continue to support the "builtin" standalone_gpu now...)

I will now concentrate on the change on the madgraph side (including fortran) for the channelID) where I will likely be more usefull than in the cpp part.

valassi commented 2 years ago

Hi @oliviermattelaer that's fine for me! I think I understood what I need to do on the cudacpp part.

I am a bit behind with a few minor issues though (the move to github, and later the makefile cleanup - maybe I can postpone the latter, but I want to move to github and I need to test other bits of my scripts first).

Go ahead and I will try to catch up Thanks! Andrea