Sticky Notes is a Moodle activity for creating an interactive post-it wall. Students can create, move and vote for notes, under supervision of teacher which can define colors, lock fucntionnalities...
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'seallnotes_help' does not exist for English language string #30
When adding an activity module, the following is printed to the page:
Help contents string does not exist: [seeallnotes_help, stickynotes]
line 479 of /lib/outputcomponents.php: call to debugging()
line 2502 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to help_icon->diag_strings()
line 2222 of /lib/formslib.php: call to core_renderer->help_icon()
line 91 of /mod/stickynotes/mod_form.php: call to MoodleQuickForm->addHelpButton()
line 214 of /lib/formslib.php: call to mod_stickynotes_mod_form->definition()
line 131 of /course/moodleform_mod.php: call to moodleform->__construct()
line 152 of /course/modedit.php: call to moodleform_mod->__construct()
The language string exists in French, but not English:
$string['seeallnotes_help'] = 'En décochant cette case, chaque étudiant ne verra que ce qu\'il a créé. Pour une activité collaborative, laisser cette case cochée. L\'enseignant continue de voir toutes les notes.';
When adding an activity module, the following is printed to the page:
The language string exists in French, but not English: