oliviervalentin / moodle-mod_stickynotes

Sticky Notes is a Moodle activity for creating an interactive post-it wall. Students can create, move and vote for notes, under supervision of teacher which can define colors, lock fucntionnalities...
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Unit test errors due to missing param in add_from_sql query #34

Closed djarran closed 4 months ago

djarran commented 5 months ago

Description: Multiple errors are occurring in the following unit tests due to incorrect param name "modulename" - "modname" is expected instead.

  1. test_process_course_context_with_override_unexpired_role
  2. test_process_course_context_with_override_expired_role
  3. test_process_course_context_with_user_in_both_lists
  4. test_process_course_context_with_user_in_both_lists_expired

Test command:

vendor/bin/phpunit --filter {insert test name above} admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/expired_contexts_test.php

Unit test error:

1) tool_dataprivacy\expired_contexts_test::test_process_course_context_with_override_unexpired_role
Unexpected debugging() call detected.
Debugging: ERROR: missing param "modname" in query
* line 1282 of /lib/dml/mysqli_native_moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->fix_sql_params()
* line 56 of /privacy/classes/local/request/userlist.php: call to mysqli_native_moodle_database->get_records_sql()
* line 162 of /mod/stickynotes/classes/privacy/provider.php: call to core_privacy\local\request\userlist->add_from_sql()
* line 8151 of /lib/moodlelib.php: call to mod_stickynotes\privacy\provider::get_users_in_context()

Problem: "mod/stickynotes/classes/privacy/provider.php" line 151 of 335

public static function get_users_in_context(userlist $userlist) {
    $context = $userlist->get_context();

    if (!is_a($context, \context_module::class)) {

    $params = [
        'instanceid'    => $context->instanceid,
        'modulename'    => 'stickynotes', <------------------------ should be 'modname'

    // Notes authors.
    $sql = "SELECT sn.userid
        FROM {course_modules} cm
        JOIN {modules} m ON m.id = cm.module AND m.name = :modname
        JOIN {stickynotes} s ON s.id = cm.instance
        JOIN {stickynotes_column} sc ON sc.stickyid = s.id
        JOIN {stickynotes_note} sn ON sn.stickycolid = sc.id
        WHERE cm.id = :instanceid";
    $userlist->add_from_sql('userid', $sql, $params);

    // Votes.
    $sql = "SELECT sv.userid
        FROM {course_modules} cm
        JOIN {modules} m ON m.id = cm.module AND m.name = :modname
        JOIN {stickynotes} s ON s.id = cm.instance
        JOIN {stickynotes_column} sc ON sc.stickyid = s.id
        JOIN {stickynotes_note} sn ON sn.stickycolid = sc.id
        JOIN {stickynotes_vote} sv ON sv.stickynoteid = sn.id
        WHERE cm.id = :instanceid";
  $userlist->add_from_sql('userid', $sql, $params);