oliyh / doo-chrome-devprotocol

A runner for doo which runs tests in Chrome, using the Chrome Dev Protocol with no need for karma or npm.
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osx java8 #3

Open alexanderjamesking opened 5 years ago

alexanderjamesking commented 5 years ago

Nice job Oliy, but I can't use it at present as it blows up on my mac - looks like it requires Java 9:

CdpException mac os x is not supported by AdaptiveProcessManager  io.webfolder.cdp.AdaptiveProcessManager.<init> (AdaptiveProcessManager.java:46)

I traced it down to https://github.com/webfolderio/cdp4j/issues/95

How do you run these on CI? would you wrap this up inside a clojure.test/deftest and run it as part of lein test? it would be cool to see an example.

With a bit/lot of work around test reporting we could potentially start running cljs tests in emacs with some decent output, as per standard clojure tests.

oliyh commented 5 years ago

Hi Alex,

It delegates all the launching of Chrome etc to cdp4j so I think yes you'll need those fixes upstream. It works on Java 10 on Linux and Java 8 on Windows (using the WindowsProcessManager) though!

Running these in CI looks like the project's tests, actually, i.e. https://github.com/oliyh/doo-chrome-devprotocol/blob/master/test/doo_chrome_devprotocol/core_test.clj#L7-L8

This, coupled with hooking into the cljs.test/report multimethod to print out teamcity messages, means the CI build passes and fails and reports each test as well.

It's not necessarily any more advanced than doo itself (in many ways it is just a crude wrapper) so I imagine that it's no better placed for proper IDE integration than any other test runner - the main/only advantage over using doo directly is that you don't need npm/karma to run the tests in Chrome!