oliyh / martian

The HTTP abstraction library for Clojure/script, supporting OpenAPI, Swagger, Schema, re-frame and more
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Misled by using martian-test with martian-http/bootstrap #188

Open MutableR opened 9 months ago

MutableR commented 9 months ago

I've reviewed both the documentation and the blog, but unfortunately, they didn't prove to be helpful for my case.

Is there a possibility of enhancing the documentation by including examples of tests with martian-http/bootstrap? Alternatively, if this isn't feasible, could you please offer additional information to clarify this matter?

oliyh commented 9 months ago


The code on the test readme looks like this:

(-> (martian/bootstrap-swagger "https://api.com" user-api-swagger-definition)
      (martian-test/respond-with-generated {:load-user :success}))

The respond-with-generated looks for and replaces the perform-request interceptor that comes from the various martian-http packages and also removes body (de)serialisation, so it should not matter if you use martian-http or martian.core from that perspective.

Could you share some code and tell me about the behaviour / errors you are seeing?


MutableR commented 9 months ago

The primary issue is that my client doesn't use Swagger, and I rely on routes for my API. Is there a way to test this scenario, or does the library not support it?

This situation is not unique to my current project; in fact, many of my projects lack Swagger, and I employ this approach.

Code examples:

(defn bootstrap
  [token store & {:keys []}]
   (base-url store)
   {:credentials {:token token}
    :interceptors (concat martian/default-interceptors
(ns shopify.impl.routes
   [schema.core :as s]))

(def orders
  [{:route-name :get-orders
    :method :get
    :path-parts ["/orders.json"]
    :query-schema {(s/optional-key :page_info) s/Str
                   (s/optional-key :financial_status) s/Str
                   (s/optional-key :status) s/Str
                   (s/optional-key :limit) s/Int
                   (s/optional-key :created_at_min) s/Str
                   (s/optional-key :created_at_max) s/Str
                   (s/optional-key :order) s/Str}}])

(def fulfillment
  [{:route-name :get:fulfillment-order!
    :method :get
    :path-parts ["/orders/" :order-id "/fulfillment_orders.json"]
    :path-schema {:order-id s/Int}}
   {:route-name :create-fulfillment
    :method :post
    :path-parts ["/fulfillments.json"]
    :body-schema {:body {:fulfillment {:message                         s/Str
                                       :notify_customer                 s/Bool
                                       :tracking_info                   {:number  s/Str
                                                                         :url     s/Str}
                                       :line_items_by_fulfillment_order [{:fulfillment_order_id s/Int}]}}}}])

(def routes
  [orders fulfillment])

(defn prepare-routes
  (reduce into [] routes))

I'm not encountering any errors (just get nil because haven't Swagger I think), but I'm struggling to grasp how to implement this for my specific situation.

I would greatly appreciate your assistance