oliyh / martian

The HTTP abstraction library for Clojure/script, supporting OpenAPI, Swagger, Schema, re-frame and more
MIT License
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[re-frame] Error when performing request immediately after init #57

Closed polymeris closed 5 years ago

polymeris commented 5 years ago

Calling martian/init and immediately dispatching a ::martian/request throws an error in ::on-complete: No protocol method ISet.-disjoin defined for type cljs.core/List

I think it is because re-frame/dispatch-sync is called in an async go block:


oliyh commented 5 years ago


Yes, you are right - init is asynchronous because it involves an http call. You can use core.async/<! on the return value of init to block until it is ready, and then make your own call to Martian.


(go (<! (martian/init "http://swagger.com")
    (re-frame/dispatch [::martian/request :some-operation {}]))
polymeris commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the quick response. That solution should work.