ollama / ollama-python

Ollama Python library
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Avoid side effects if chat message contains images #158

Closed tillfalko closed 3 weeks ago

tillfalko commented 1 month ago

The Issue

Generating chat responses with images has a rather nasty side effect in that, if a message has images, they will be overwritten by their Base64 encoding.

import ollama

messages = [{
    'role': 'user',
    'content': 'What is this?',
    'images' : ['ollama.png']


response = ollama.chat(model='llava-llama3', messages=messages)

[{'role': 'user', 'content': 'What is this?', 'images': ['ollama.png']}]

If a user passed an image path, it is undesirable to have this path overwritten by extremely verbose Base64-text.

The Cause

Most python users will pass messages as sequences of dictionaries. Dictionaries are inherently mutable object that are passed by reference, which is why the line https://github.com/ollama/ollama-python/blob/cb81f522b0f0035acbfeeed87b7902856bda501e/ollama/_client.py#L174-L175

also affects the user's list/tuple of messages.

The Solution

Obviously this can be avoided on the user's end by simply making a deep copy themselves before passing messages. But because this is a rather obscure issue that is never mentioned in the documentation, I recommend simply removing the possiblility of this side-effect.

There are multiple possible solutions to this issue, but because the performance cost of making a deep copy is insignificant in comparison to the performance cost of LLM inference, I went with the easiest fix: simply making a deep copy of messages every time ollama.chat is called, but I am looking forward to hearing the opinions of the Ollama maintainers.