ollama / ollama-python

Ollama Python library
MIT License
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client run timeout,no response #82

Open songsh opened 3 months ago

songsh commented 3 months ago

response = ollama.Client(host = 'http://xxxxx').generate(model='gemma',prompt=prompt,format='json',options={"seed": 101,"temperature": 0},keep_alive=7) run timeout, no resonse.

songsh commented 3 months ago

i found when token too much, then no response

hahchenchen commented 3 months ago

meet the same problem, how to fix it?

themw123 commented 1 month ago

same for me. When context gets to high by appending the history with every request, i get an empty response from time to time like in 30% of responses.

edit: oh i see you meant no response at all. I get one, but as i sayed empty one. I think it is a different issue. Also i am facing it only by using llama3 8b. But i see now i get the same problem by using plain ollama api, so it should not be related to ollama-python client