ollyg / Net-Appliance-Session

Development of Net::Appliance::Session Perl distribution
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fix syntax error with $VERSION #23

Closed gregoa closed 5 years ago

gregoa commented 6 years ago

In Debian we are currently applying the following patch to Net-Appliance-Session. We thought you might be interested in it too.

Description: fix syntax error with $VERSION
 Variable "$VERSION" is not imported at /usr/share/perl5/Net/Appliance/Session/Scripting.pm line 22.
 Variable "$VERSION" is not imported at /usr/share/perl5/Net/Appliance/Session/Scripting.pm line 105.
Origin: vendor
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa@debian.org>
Last-Update: 2018-01-02

The patch is tracked in our Git repository at https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-perl/packages/libnet-appliance-session-perl.git/plain/debian/patches/VERSION.patch

Thanks for considering, gregor herrmann, Debian Perl Group

ollyg commented 5 years ago

thanks! sorry for the long wait to apply.

gregoa commented 5 years ago

On Fri, 19 Apr 2019 12:27:59 -0700, Oliver Gorwits wrote:

thanks! sorry for the long wait to apply.

Thanks for merging the patch!

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